View Full Version : Health anxiety driving me crazy

29-12-12, 15:57
Hi all I haven't posted for a while, been doing fairly well, being able to control my anxiety a bit better. It's coming back now, been anxious since before Christmas due to this norovirus, absolutely petrified of getting it, to the point I won't have physical contact with my husband or children, I listen at the door of the bathroom making sure I can't hear anyone being sick r the other, check Facebook to see if anyone near me has got it, walk round with my arms up my sleeves not touching anything, constantly washing my hands and sterilising stuff and that is just half of it...aaarrgggghhhhhhh. Now every twinge I get is something serious, I have had an on and off dull ache behind my knee since Boxing Day and now I am convinced its a blood clot, I am at this moment waiting for a gp to call me back. Can someone please offer me some advice :weep:

29-12-12, 16:32
We all hate the Norovirus don't we, as long as you wash your hands regularily you should be fine, don't let it dictate you life. As for being convinced I have a blood clot that is a big one for me. I get aches in my legs that last a few hours and simply terrify me (my relative died of one at the age of 60), but as long as you are young and healthy the chance is so little, don't worry :)

29-12-12, 16:39
My leg isn't even painful it's just a twinge on and off, why can't I get these thoughts out of my head. My anxiety has been bad now since September and it is tiring me out. I want to be normal again. Thanks for the reply, I know everyone else on here is suffering too :hugs: