View Full Version : feeling strange !

29-12-12, 17:14
hiya i dont know if im posting this in the right place, i have been suffering with panic attacks and depression which since starting citalopram have improved alot but i seem to have devolped health anxiety i think from when i wake up i keep worrying that im tired or have any other symptom im constantly checking . then a few days ago my dad was sick with this sick bug thats going round and suddenly i felt really funny like i was going to be sick and all hot but i wasnt sick or anything but i got myself in a real state about it . also with it being xmas ive been out a few times and had drinks and as soon as i have one drink i keep going really hot like sweating and i feel funny and sick .ive also noticed im burping alot and holding my toungue at the top of my mouth constantly like its stuck or something sorry bout the long post ! can anyone relate to this being anxiety ?or anything else ? x

30-12-12, 08:00
Hi Lashes,
If you are new to Citalopram then it may take a while to settle down. Also, you say that when your dad got sick you got yourself into a real state - that sounds like anxiety to me. I hope things improve for you and I wish you all the best.


30-12-12, 13:04
If you're new to Cit it can make you a bit more anxious as your body adjusts to it.
I wouldn't drink too much with it at first as alcohol can increase anxiety.
Feeling funny, sick, dizzy, hot are all common anxiety symptoms.