View Full Version : in need of some comfort/encouragement

29-12-12, 17:28

I have suffered with anxiety for about 9 years and have always been quite good at controlling it until the last few months when it has just gone out of control. I have health anxiety, panic, depression and also suffer from constant Depersonalisation. These have all completely spiralled and I jut feel so hopeless. I feel like I will never get better and all that's happening is im losing my mind day by day.

I have started CBT which is good so far and I am also on meds. I started sertraline nearly 3 weeks ago. All I feel is a little calmer but my health anxiety is all over the place. im so worried about my head. I feel like im forgetting everything and I just cant think properly at all like im going to lose all I know,l I feel so unusual and I cant handle it I want a clear head its getting me so down! the DP is so bad also.

im under no illusions about the meds I know it will take time but is all these things that I am feeling normal? because it doesn't feel it at all. im so scared im just going mad, constant mind chatter I cant get rid of please help me I don't know what to do.


29-12-12, 17:50
hiya im not on sertraline but i have been on citalopram for nearly 4 months now but for the firs 3 months i felt just like you were saying my mind was non stop and everything felt unreal i thought i was going crazy . i think the meds take alot lot longer to work than people say i also read paul david at last a life which helped massivley with the dp :)x

29-12-12, 20:49
its really getting to me now, making me so down. I feel like I have a huge cloud over my head. its so scary. I think your right the tablets do take quite a while, im hoping it will get better soon. x

29-12-12, 22:42
3 weeks is still early days - it took me about 11 weeks before I felt the full effects of my meds. If things don't improve after 3 months, or you feel really desperate, speak to your doctor to see if your dose needs to be adjusted.

30-12-12, 07:46
Duloxetine took a couple of months to work for me Vita, I only stuck with it cos I'd tried everything else. I do understand the feeling of hopelessness and I know it's awful. But it will pass, it will get better - it just takes time which I know is frustrating. Try and stick it out.


30-12-12, 07:53
Give it time. If you don't already start keeping a diary and score your days out of 10 with how you feel and how your symptoms have been. Before meds I was mostly 4s and 5s now I'm mostly 7s and 8s. Still get bad days but the diary helps me see that I'm slowly starting to have more good days than bad.