View Full Version : What are everyone's ways of getting through their panic attacks?

29-12-12, 18:16
I've suffered with panic attacks since I was 9 but for the past 2 months I've been having them daily.
I suffer with a phobia of vomiting and been so worried getting any bugs that have been going about.
I've been off my food for a while because haven't really had an appetite..
I've now started eating again but I haven't been able to eat how I used to.
I get panicky every meal time incase I over endulge too much and I'm on edge nearly all day long incase I have a panic attack (so I'm kinda panicking about panic attacks)
If I knew how people controlled and got themselves through them when they appear I don't think I will be so on edge all day because I know how to get myself through it..
I just need done tips because I think it will help me in a step forward to get me out of these constant attacks

29-12-12, 18:26
Hello there

I am a new member joined yesterday. It is a z horrible time of year for emet sufferers but there are loads of us out there and some really helpful stuff on the forum. Try looking at LeagalEagles and Iced Diaminds threads they are great also sparkles post on coping strategies


29-12-12, 18:35
Iced_diamonds post is great if I'm every feeling low about the noro..so much useful info from her..
I will have check out sparkles posts..I need new strategies

02-01-13, 15:09
Hey there,

i get really panicky about Norovirus as i am an emet too. I find carrying hand sanitizer and being careful of what you touch and not putting your hands in your mouth or touching your food helps :)

It's very hard, there are some things that i find really help with panic attacks (the majority of the time - if they're not too serious)

one of my coping strategies is to listen to music very loudly and read at the same time . I find this minimizes the amount that i can focus on the panic and keeps my mind occupied. I have a few 'dubstep' songs on my ipod which i keep with me, and you can pop them in if you feel anxious and if no one is about you can turn it as loud as possible.

Joe x

02-01-13, 15:39
I have learnt to try not to add to the fear that panic attacks induce. I don't manage it every time but I'm getting better at it. To me, panic is like a bully. It jumps out at you, all big and scary and this usually provokes (understandably so) a big, powerful reaction of just needing to escape somewhere to get away from it etc.

But once I understood that after the initial panic, I am then adding to the panic by my reaction. Adding fuel to the fire, as it were. Once I realised that, left untouched, that initial spike of panic can only last for a short time and ultimately does me no harm I tried to not add to the panic but try to relax towards it. I know, talk about a contradiction! Trying to relax when your whole body is electrified with panic! But it works! I've done it and it works!

When that bully comes at me now, I see through it's tough-guy exterior and think to myself 'O.K., what are you going to do to me? Make me feel panicky for a few minutes? Make me go bight red? Make me visibly shake? Yeah, is that it? If that's all you've got, bring it on!' This is usually enough for it to skulk away because it didn't manage to scare me. But even if it does have a go at me, I try (note I say try!) to just let it go over me and let it blow itself out. I know, much easier said than done but it does get easier with practise.

02-01-13, 15:40
i do slow breathing, in slow through mouth, hold it for 3 secs then blow it out. I put the flat of my palm against my forhead and imagine that i.m breathing "energy" in and blowing anxiety away

02-01-13, 16:25
hi I've suffered since I was 12 and i'm 37 now had quite a few the last 12 months as things have changed for the better in my life and didn't know how to take it. I did catch the virus just before Christmas and it did send me into an panic things that work for me are singing in my head when I feel one starting or putting a hand on my heart and trying to feel the heat from it all sound strange but these worked after the deep breathing stopped working for me. I've just started c.b.t which i'm told is good you doc can refer you for it xxx