View Full Version : am I paranoid or...

29-12-12, 18:54
Hi everyone!
I have been finding it really hard to deal with my health anxiety lately, after a few good yeaRSVPI am in that place again where everything I feel is something and I have been feeling quite a few things in the past month or so.
I have even been reluctant to go anywhere for a few weeks cause I was thinking something was wrong with me ans wasn't feeling up to it. Then two days ago I decided it's time to do something cause Dr keep telling me I'm fine. So went shopping almost all afternoon with my partner. Then yesterday we went shopping again, to a shopping mall about an hour's drive away, left about 11 got back home almost 9 in the evening! My shoulders were killing me by then from carrying stuff. And we couldn't go to sleep til late. Today I woke up feeling all stiff, especially my shoulders and neck and back, and just feeling rubbish. But we had another long day ahead. Two hours drive to Bradford to finish a few things and visit some friends. The day is horrible and wet. And sitting in the car for two hours. We are their now still and I amam feeling slow and achy with stiff back and achy weak arms,and feeling cold and warm with warm cheeks feeling really scared cause I am scared something is wrong with me.
I hate when I feel too tired, the way I feel makes me really panic!

29-12-12, 20:18
Hey there! I went out today for the first time since Tues and, even now I'm knackered, am very glad I did. I only went in to town to meet a friend, and it was only for a few hours, but I felt so much better getting out and about. I've felt very low this last week and it was good to have a laugh and a proper chat with a dear mate.

Even though you're tired now (and I've still got a nasty cold) you'll feel so much better mentally.

Big hugs x

29-12-12, 20:59
Thanks Apple x

I literally feel like I've been beaten up or something just dragging myself and when the weakness and heavy feeling overwhelmes me I get really in a trip. The feeling scares me so much.I also tend to feel weird when I go to bed if I feel too tired, like I'm falling, it freakes me out so much. And then waking up feeling like you can't drag yourself out of bed or move. And I have been obsessed with temperature lately so as I'm feeling quite warm now it is playing on my mind. I definitely overdid it, we still haven't left for home and we got a two hours drive, so two really busy and long days in a row so I am regretting it... my partner says he is feeling so tired but I don't believe he feels like me and I don't believe you can feel this terrible from being tired? Even if it's more activities then usual ...

29-12-12, 22:46
But if you think about it, Your just 'tired' and in pain from doing more than usual. But then you need to add all those anxious symptoms aswell. Like feeling abit lightheaded, Over tired, Panicking makes you abit shaky, abit like your floating. If you just focus on being tired and achy from doing more, then it makes sense on how u really feel more than how anxious your feeling. Your partner is feeling the same as you but realisticly hes not anxious so ofcourse hes not going to be feeling all of this other symptom stuff x

30-12-12, 16:12
Thanks x

I am really worried and depressed though today. I am feeling all achy, my back is stiff and I feel just blah don't really know what other word to use... am so scared I have temperature again, I took it this morning was 37.5 then soon after was 37. But if it's up now I would really freak out cause I keep getting these days where my temp keeps going to 37.5, 37.6 and I just feel somehow that I can't really explain but it makes me panic something is wrong with me... it's like I'm always sick. And now I had a busy few days and it's literally like I'm sick... is this normal?? I am tired of going to the doctor, they sometimes say it's just a virus and sometimes I'm fine...i don't know what to do anymore but soon I am going back to work and I can't afford this anymore...

30-12-12, 21:57
I think your back is stiff because you were doing things, we have muscles EVERYWHERE in our body and they can get abit tense. Never mind being stressed out and causing tension in your body aswell, i got this alot around the back of my neck and around my back and i was sure it was menigitis or sumthing, but it wasnt, and your temp is fine, stop checking it and worry when your temprature is at 40 or over and by that point you would know there was something wrong, The more you stress out the more chance your blood preasure will rise and give off hot flushes to cool your body down. Your body does its job aswell, just focus on something els. like excersise or simple things like reading every tym you are stressed, ... And your proberly not sick, Anxiety plays a very good part in making you feel like you are sick. X Just pm if your worried, i was VERY VERY anxious and ive been fine since february & try to help as much as i can xx