View Full Version : Tiredness and feeling faint

29-12-12, 19:13
I am scared of fainting and when I have a period od anxiety, like the past couple of months, I feel faint a lot but I think it is more the feeling of not being there. I get headaches with this too. So at times when I am at work and out in shops etc I feel like I need to get out. I also get it at home at times. It is particularly bad but I am extremely scared that I will faint. This has gotten increasingly worse and I fear going to work and am fearful when I am there. I also have been very tired. Any suggestions this is ruining my life. Social anxiety is bad enough without this too.

29-12-12, 20:01
hmmm this is a difficult one because there's so many different suggestions some will work for you some won't.
I think the most important thing is to realise that the sensations you are feeling are caused by anxiety and will pass.
You might want to go to your GP that'd be a good starting point I think, from there you might be referred for talking therapy or CBT or puts on some medication depending on your situation.
I know it's a very difficult thing to go through it's no wonder we get tired constantly being on edge.
Best wishes