View Full Version : Lymphoma scare

29-12-12, 19:38
Hi, for the past 3-4 weeks now I've been worried about lymphoma, I had a lymph node come up on my neck so I went to the doctors about it as I was scared it was lymphoma, they did blood tests and they came back normal. However, I was never ill to start with when the I noticed the lymph node which still bothers me, it hasn't got any bigger or smaller it just wont go! Also I stupidly googled symptoms for lymphoma and worried about night sweats as I sweat in the night but not so much that my bed sheets are drenched. I don't think I've lost any weight, but how can you tell without scales? I've been aching all over but I think that's due to stress. I've also been short for breath. So since this scare I've been worried about cancer all the time, I try and say I'll take a bath and relax and try not to think about it but its hard. I've told myself I wont look up any symptoms online anymore because it does me no good. I don't know whether to go back to the doctors again because I feel too embarrassed going back there all the time and I know they don't really take me seriously anymore. My mum doesn't take me seriously either.. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

29-12-12, 19:55
Please don't let your thoughts run away with you . My wife had lymphoma 6 years ago , she had what she thought was a viral infection ,hacking cough , very week , out of breath , and a lot of weight loss enough to notice ! Then a lump under her arm ,the size of a chickens egg , very itching skin , but no night sweats which are usual, and will drench the sheets .
Blood tests will show up abnormalities, so don't worry , like so many on this site who worry about lymphoma , one lump doesn't equil lymphoma , there are so many other symptoms too .
Take care

29-12-12, 20:17
Thanks I appreciate it.. (I'm sorry to hear about your wife)

To be honest, this scare is nothing in comparison to how badly my anxiety was affecting me a year ago. Its just one of those things that plays on your mind and stops you from wanting to do things. Do you know if its normal for a lymph node to stay where it is and not go? Thanks.

29-12-12, 21:37
Hi again, first of all my wife's fine , over five years clear.the treatments they have today are very affective . As for lymph nodes , it's normal to be able to feel them , usually the size of a pea , I have some down the side of my neck left over from years of colds and throat infections . As for your node if it was suspicious your doctor would send you for further tests . But you did the right thing going to him , and he did right running a blood test , which came back clear !
Anxeity is hard work ,and focus on one thing which takes over your life for a time . For me these last few years " optic migraines " why I don't know , their not life threatening , any way try to take a step back and look at the facts, you have a lymph node , you've seen a doctor , you've had a blood test ( which was clear ) . And you had no other symptoms , that all sounds good to me .
Take care ronno.

29-12-12, 21:54
Thanks alot, I feel much better :)
Take Care.

02-01-13, 15:13
Hi, for the past 3-4 weeks now I've been worried about lymphoma, I had a lymph node come up on my neck so I went to the doctors about it as I was scared it was lymphoma, they did blood tests and they came back normal. However, I was never ill to start with when the I noticed the lymph node which still bothers me, it hasn't got any bigger or smaller it just wont go! Also I stupidly googled symptoms for lymphoma and worried about night sweats as I sweat in the night but not so much that my bed sheets are drenched. I don't think I've lost any weight, but how can you tell without scales? I've been aching all over but I think that's due to stress. I've also been short for breath. So since this scare I've been worried about cancer all the time, I try and say I'll take a bath and relax and try not to think about it but its hard. I've told myself I wont look up any symptoms online anymore because it does me no good. I don't know whether to go back to the doctors again because I feel too embarrassed going back there all the time and I know they don't really take me seriously anymore. My mum doesn't take me seriously either.. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
you haven,t got lymphoma. my dad had lymphoma & it all started by a blood test. about 3yrs before the lymphoma struck. well the doctor told him he had forieghn enzyms in his blood wich could turn into cancer & then he found out he had lymphoma a few yrs after.. he passd away in march but not due to cancer but heart attack.

02-01-13, 20:49
Hey, I have worried myself senseless about lymphoma!
I have had about 5-6 swollen nodes over the last 5 months or so, one in particular appeared overnight, it was huge and I was freaked out as I felt fine. Nothing ever developed from it, I never became ill or appeared to have any kind of infection. I first noticed the node in September when it was pea sized and firm-ish. It then grew really quickly to be nearly 2cm, which felt huge as it was on the back of my neck! I was on holiday when this happened (the second week in December) and it ruined my week away worrying about it! It remained huge for about a week after my holiday, then began to slowly go down and get softer. I can now hardly feel it unless I really look for it (spent about a minute feeling for it there, eventually found it but had to prod really hard!)
I hope you manage to beat this horrible fear! It has taken me months, I still occasionally get a panic over it, but I am definitely getting better =]

05-01-13, 23:22
Thank you so much for the reply! I didn't see it until now. I know it's literally the worst feeling and I'm glad you feel better, unfortunately I don't, I've been given penicillin to fight off a possible infection in my throat which could have caused it. I'm still checking whether I've got possible lymphoma symptoms, like my weight etc. I wanted to start the gym this year and get fit but now I'm worried that if I do and loose weight I'll put it down to unexpected weight loss and cancer. Which I know sounds ridiculous! :( Argh fed up!