View Full Version : Now for a worry that isn't obscene

26-08-06, 23:35
When I talk it's normal but if I raise my voice up to a higher note when making a sudden loud exclamation my voice makes the husky typical teenage voice breaking sound and I can't get that note.

Also when I try singing (backing vocals improperly done; it's like the straining really hard sound but tuneful - not the right way I know but the only way that goes quite high) it's got all these speckles of roughness and at the border of the low end with the high end of chest voice that voice breaking thing happens and if I sustain it it's an unpleasant roughness like before.

So obviously I'm worried it could be larynx cancer. One of the symtpoms, the first one normally if vocal hoarseness. When I talk it's normal, no hoarsness unless I jump into exphasis like I said before (worried about this in December when I Googled it all, but started again)

One of their symtpoms is swollen lymph nodes in the neck which was one of ym worries last December. Numerous doctors weren't bothered tho.

Anyone got any preferable ideas? I'm thinkign maybe it's been strained asd I used to sing badly before I discovered this straining technique by basically shouting tunefully, since 2004 pretty regularly.

(ps. I don't smoke although I have to put up with others who do in pubs, and I drink socially every week, sometimes not every week)

26-08-06, 23:42

Please try to stop finding one thing after another to convince yourself that you are dying of something.

This is all Health anxiety and all you are doing is analysing every single function of your body and finding something new each week that isn't as you think it is.

You need distraction, hobbies, work, social life etc as you seem to have too much time on your hands to analyse your body.

I can't sing atall but I have no desire to be a pop star so I am not worried.

Please try to stop analysing everything so much.

You do not have cancer, never have and probably never will.

What you are doing though is wasting a life by worrying. Please get some CBT for this.


27-08-06, 01:52
I totally agree with Nicola.

I am well over twice your age and so have several 'impurities' such as warts and blemishes in various places. But I accept these as 'just me'. There are days when I can't sing along to a tune for toffee cos my throat is not clear, and I imagine we are all like that.

Now move on,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-08-06, 08:35
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Now move on,</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

If only it were that easy.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

27-08-06, 13:46
true, it wouldnt be called health anxiety if we didnt worry about our health.

27-08-06, 14:16
Cna I just add that it's not a simple feeling of an unclear throat? It feels like a tickly irritation when the voice breaking thing happens, and I'm sure I never had that happen before.

Although I never noticed it before a few weeks ago when I tried singing and remembered my limit and thought "at least it doesn't happen in normal speech" and from then on it would happen in speech when I made sudden intonations or emphases.

27-08-06, 14:34
I agree with the others; I think this is your mind playing tricks on you. Once you notice something you can't stop thinking about it and therefore you notice it all the time.

I wish I had some good advice to give to you, unfortunately I haven't. But you are far too young to be wasting your life obsessing about your body, you should be having loads of fun!

Try to be logical and look back at how you were feeling say a month ago, what you were convinced was wrong with you then. I bet you have forgotten how you felt because something else has come along to take it's place and you have something else to worry about.

I hope you find something soon that helps you get out of this.

Take care,
Caroline xx

27-08-06, 15:40
It is impossible for someone with health anxiety to be logical with their fears.

It is the same for the agorophobic, they can't be logical about going places that cause them fear. Same for claustrophobics, they can't be logical about being confined. And the list goes on.

I have said it on numerous occasions. We all suffer with anxiety and the like BUT these manifest themselves in different ways. If we were all to be logical, accept them and move on, then none of us would need to be here.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

27-08-06, 18:37

27-08-06, 19:28
I agree that it is hard to be logical about the things we fear the most. But saying that we 'can't' is such a permanent statement that I think that it is more accurate to say we haven't figured out how to look at them logically. After all, if it were just a case of some can and some can't what hope would there be of recovery for any of us.

Also I think that is why we share the fears we are having in hopes that if someone tells us enough that it is nothing to be concerned about then maybe that will help to convince us of that fact and our fears will be calmed.

No one is trying to be mean in saying to stop overanalizing. It is meant as a supportive nudge in the right direction. We all need that now and again. It's great to be supportive and say that we know how hard it is and to keep your chin up and all that but in my opinion it is also supportive for someone to say 'that is normal so stop double checking and move on'.


27-08-06, 19:47

28-08-06, 00:49
I've just recently turned 19. I know your voice doesn't stop maturing til 21 but I dunno.

28-08-06, 02:49
Would it help to try and actively think about some of the things you are satisfied with in your body (or elsewhere) when you feel the urge to worry?

All the time you are worrying about everything, you are feeding the NEED to worry. You need to starve it to death.

Luv Granny

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

28-08-06, 15:12
Just remember that you're SO unlikely to get any type of cancer at your age and I've never even heard of anyone getting cancer of the larynx, even though my mum used to work in outpatients in 'ear nose and throat' and she was always mentioning different things that patients had (most of which were not serious).

It's ever so easy to get fixated on throat problems. I had a cold weeks ago and I'm still annoying everyone (including myself!) by clearing my throat every 10 seconds :)

Penny x

28-08-06, 17:00

Its probably nothing, most peoples voices go like at times, sometimes my voice wouldn't completely go for no apparant reason and then 5 minutes later I'd be able to speak again, just try not to worry about it ok its probably nothing. You need to focus on something else e.g. a hobby like Nic said, that will take your mind off things.

x x