View Full Version : Heart and lung worries

29-12-12, 21:48
Hi I am currently trying to convince myself that I haven't got heart disease or Lung cancer.

I ended up in A and E a few weeks ago with chest pain, had ecg and it was normal. But I'm still not convinced. Still getting the pains on a daily basis, always left sided.

I also have shoulder pain also on the left side and stupidly I consulted with Dr Google and now am convinced I have lung cancer. These pains seem to be present most of the time.

I have had physio for the shoulder pain but after a few sessions the physio reffered me back to my GP who has run blood tests for arthritis and I'm due to go and see my GP on monday.

Just wish I didn't worry so much

29-12-12, 23:56
I worry all the time about that also. I've been to the Doctor, had the blood work, and still worry. You are not alone. Hope you feel better. :)

30-12-12, 09:25
Hi Kerri, It sounds as if I wrote what you did except for the lungs.

I get chest pains and shoulder pain mainly on my left side also in my left arm and jaw.
And your right to me that all points to heart problems BUT we are not doctors if we were we would know we were OK.

I have ended up at A&E twice with bad chest/arm pain left side and also sweating and dizziness, my heart rate was like 160 and at one stage in the amberlance my no was 240/128. So to me it looked like the end for me BUT that was nearly 2 years ago (feb 2010) and was in again just before Christmas 2011.

But all the test came back saying NO heart attack.

But I still get pains and aches. I believe a lot of it is due to poor posture causing the pain and sensations via entrapped nerves and muscle tension.

After all I'm still here able to type this to you and I would say you will be around for years yet typing away.

Hope this helps in some way

30-12-12, 09:58
Hi after loads of blood tests, ecg, and a ultrasound scan, I have been diagnosed with bad posture which in itself is causing my chest, shoulder and collar bone pain. I was convinced I had heart trouble and then cancer . I finally went to see a physiotherapist who said my shoulders were curving forward and that was putting a strain on my whole upper body.
I know it can be difficult to stop worrying but hope this reassures you a little. xx

30-12-12, 10:20
Hi again, If after reading what both myself and almamatters have said and you believe it could be posture related and you would like to experiment to see it correcting you posture helps try a few simple things.

1, Put a board under you cushion on your settee (if you use one with removable cushions because with over time the springs will sag and also the cushion filling moves around causing your posture to change slowly with out you knowing)
2, When sitting always have a pillow or something like that supporting the lumber area that will help you sit straight and force your shoulders back.
3, Try not to lean on the arms of the chair as this twists you spine and will in time weaken the shoulder and chest muscles on the side tht you lean (this is the hardest on to do)

I'm soon to be 41 in January and I have say the same way for 20 years so retraining yourself to correct you posture is a bugger.

Also on thing to do is for about 10mims a day is stan against a wall with your heels touching the wall and your back straight and shoulders against the wall this will stretch the muscles out an help.

30-12-12, 10:47
Thank you for your replys. It is so hard to accept that we are fit and well when these pains persist. Hopefully when i see my gp tomorrow all my blood work will be normal.