View Full Version : Internal bleeding

29-12-12, 22:52
I suffer with bad health anxiety as it is but on thursday I wacked my head against a stone fireplace, enough so that it left a huge painful egg sized lump on top of my head. Ever since Thursday I've had a really bad headache with immense pressure in my nose and lower forehead. Ive recently just got over flu and was suffering with headaches anyway but now it feels worse. I havent had any other symptoms like dizziness or feeling sick, just this constant headache with the odd sharp pain in the place were I banged it. Badically I'm now really scared that I have internal bleeding/haemorrhage and it sounds ridiculous but I don't think it's bad enough to go to the E.R but I've heard (ok googled) that symptoms can occor up to 6 weeks later. Any advice? Should I go to the hospital just to be on the safe side?

29-12-12, 23:03
If you are worried then maybe call out of hours doc or NHS direct.