View Full Version : hello :) new to forum, not to anxiety (like most here)

30-12-12, 03:28
hello, im andrew. im from Portland, Oregon, USA. im 24 years old.
i have been dealing with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, and insomnia since i was little. i was presribed to many many medications when i was a young teenager, and decided on my own to quit them. i have remained off any meds for years now, i recently started taking Citalopram earlier this year, quit taking them and having had any problems. but now, a year later, i have recently developed really bad anxiety issues where its a constant and daily thing, always have the "fishbowl" feeling, and constantly dizzy... so i started taking the Citalopram again about a week ago. my symptoms have worsened 100%. before taking the meds, i was having anxiety here and there, panic attacks were very rare. but now after starting them, its a constant day to day thing... i have decided to stop taking these meds today, i have only been on them for 4 days as it is. but the side effects are far worse then the benefit. i may be trying a different medication soon. such as lorazapam and maybe some xanax .. i'll let you guys know how it goes!

oh and PS. this website is amazing!!! i have learned so much already and i already feel better simply knowing the symptoms i have are not just me!!!! huge releif!! super happy to have found this site!

30-12-12, 03:41
Hi iheartdrift

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-12-12, 07:35
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


30-12-12, 07:50
I am so sorry the medication route has not worked for you so far. SSRI's are known for being a bit of a struggle in the beginning, but the long term benefits are usually worth it.
I hope you find a medication that works for you..

30-12-12, 15:07
Hi Andrew welcome, hope you get as much from the site as I do.

Stick with the meds. My first 2-3 weeks were horrible but it gets a lot better!

30-12-12, 16:36
Welcome to the forum. :smile: You will find plenty of advice and support here.

I hope you will find a treatment that works for you.

30-12-12, 17:50
Hi Andrew and welcome to the forum. Glad you're benefitting from the information here already :)