View Full Version : anxiety

30-12-12, 10:22
Could do with some help dealing with extremely bad anxiety dont no what to do meds not helping any ideas id appreciate.x

30-12-12, 10:47
I'm the same feeling terrible low in mood and mess not helping, do sympathise with you, going for a walk to see if it helps..... Totally fed up x x x

30-12-12, 12:26
How long have you been taking the meds? You could ask your doctor about cbt. This is a very good online program http://cognitivetherapyonline.com/cbt4panic/?hop=nmpanic

30-12-12, 18:00

What meds are you on, there are various types which your Doc may be able to prescribe if your current drug doesn't help (SSRIs, SNRIs, beta-blockers, Pregabalin, trazodone, mirtazapine etc).

Long-term, obviously CBT and mindfulness can be helpful.

30-12-12, 20:14
Hi I'm new to the site. I'm on lorazepam for my anxiety and currently waiting for a councillor to get in touch re therapy I really hope it works as I'm usually the life n soul of the party but for the last two months I've lived a life of gloom ��. It all started on 6th November when I had a heart flutter which at the time I put down to too much caffeine but it got my brain goin 'what if it wasn't the caffeine and you're ill?' Since then I've been a right mess and every ache or twinge I start to panic. I've been to the docs n heart n lungs are fine just my brain! I still get the chest twinges when I think about it and its the first thing on my mind every day. Just want my life back!!!! X