View Full Version : Terrified of seeing a doctor

30-12-12, 10:39
I've realised that the time has come to see a doctor - if nothing else, because the health anxiety is really starting to take over my life, and put a real dampener on my Christmas.

The only problem is, the idea of seeing a doctor terrifies me. I've not been registered with one for too many years, and I know I'm going to have to be fully checked out, which brings with it the fear of being diagnosed with A, B, C, D through to Z and beyond.

Then there's the weight issue; I'm grossly overweight, to the point where I haven't weighed myself in a very long time - not only am I going to have to have that figure measured, but I'm almost certainly going to have a doctor sternly telling me what I already know - that I need to lose it. And I'm absolutely dreading that whole process to the point where just thinking about it makes me well up.

I also don't know what to say to him/her when I have my actual appointment - I feel like at this point I have so many different little symptoms that listing them all would just confuse the issue and lead to a false diagnosis...

Has anyone else been through this? Any advice for overcoming it?

30-12-12, 12:34
Hello Malibupete,

I understand completely how you feel, because I am exactly the same, and i am sure many other health anxiety sufferers can relate to your fear of doctors.

There comes a point with me when the anxiety becomes so overwhelming that i have to 'hand myself over', and trust i am putting myself in a pair of safe hands. Making that appointment is a big step forward towards taking control of your anxiety. I know our imaginations run riot, and it is difficult to keep our thinking level, it is all part of our condition, but in my experience the anticipation of waiting to see a doctor is far worse than the actual appointment, and i hope you will have some sense of relief once you have managed to sit down and talk things through. I wonder if there is a trusted friend or family member you could take along with you for some support.

I wish you well :)