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30-12-12, 12:04
Is anyone else cold all the time when they're anxious? I just can't really get warm- I notice than whenever I feel highly anxious or depressed I feel freezing even if the heating is on and I'm wrapped in blankets!!!

Its like there is a link between feeling cold emotionally (blank, empty, scared) and being cold physically.


30-12-12, 12:38
I go between feeling too hot one minute to shivering cold the next.

30-12-12, 13:01
You should come & stand next to me Bones, I'm ALWAYS hot. I'd soon warm you up. I got to the opposite extreme if I'm stressed or anxious, it's all I can do not to start sweating. I'm better than I used to be though as I'd end up with a face like a beetroot.
But I believe you could well be right about the link between coldness of emotions & how you feel physically. I would think that if you are depressed or emotionless then your mind is in some kind of shut down, not excited but very supressed. I'd imagine your body would follow suit & therefore you could feel cold too.
Is there a chance you could take a swift 10-20 min walk & then when you come back indoors, you'd be glowing. I find if I've been out & it's chilly or windy then my cheeks are on fire for the rest of the day. It might just do the trick for you & the fresh air may hlep to make you feel a bit better as well?

30-12-12, 13:01
What's your body temperture like?
Mine tends to naturally be on the higher side.
So when I get anxious my face flushes and I feel hot all over.
I get the shivers too but that's more from the anxiety but wrapping up in a blanket can be nice and soothing.
I actually find some cold freash air or cold water on my face helps me.

You should use a wheat bag or hot water bottle if you feel cold plus the Heat can be calming :)

Personally I don't do well with being too cold or too warm.
I think when you've anxiey you tend to be more sensitive to fluctuations in temperture.

30-12-12, 13:07
I'm not sure if there is a link, but I have to say I feel cold all the time too, especially my feet, they are always freezing cold!! I do get the night sweats though lol....:shrug:

30-12-12, 13:26
I am always cold also, typing this right now my hands are freezing. I wear layers, and still freeze. I would have to sit my bum right on a fire to be warm. Hope you warm up soon. :)