View Full Version : You ever feel like if you don't think about HA something bad will happen?

30-12-12, 14:33
Does anyone else ever feel like if I stop having anxiety about whatever is the ailment de jour (for me, this time out heart disease), something bad will happen?

In other words, once I stop worrying I'll bring about whatever it is I'm scared of.

30-12-12, 14:49
Oh yes!

Here's a quote out of my CBT book that explains this. Essentially there are two theories you can accept but obviously only one can be correct

Theory A

I have a medical condition. My solution is to take every possible step to monitor my health and avoid anything that might remind me of death and I need to keep checking my symptoms and seeking reassurance.

Theory B

I have an emotional problem with being excessively worried by my health and my 'solutions' have become my problem and feed my worry.

This part of the book hit home the most with me. I certainly subscribe to theory b now and hope you will too. I read this over and over to myself if I'm starting to slip and start checking my pulse or using doctor google etc.

30-12-12, 14:55
I like theory B too! Problem is, right now I'm still in that theory A phase, that if I don't worry about something, the worst will happen.

I'm desperately trying to get to point B! :yesyes:

30-12-12, 15:04
Ok try this then, can you name me a single occassion when worrying has actually produced a positive result? (another thing from my book hope I don't get done for copyright :D)

I tried really hard to come up with one but couldn't.

There is a difference between say concern and getting a symptom checked by a doctor and worrying about it. Worrying actually only makes you more ill.

And also if I'm going to get sued for copyright infringement I may as well chuck in one of my favourite lines from Baz Lhurmans song sunscreen.

"Dont worry, or worry but know that worrying is about as much use as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum" :winks:

30-12-12, 15:09
Ok try this then, can you name me a single occassion when worrying has actually produced a positive result? (another thing from my book hope I don't get done for copyright :D)

Well, maybe this time? My latest fear is heart disease, ever since I saw some thing on earlobe creases as a pre-cursor. Well, I've got two nice creases!

As I await my check up in a few weeks, over the past month I've really ramped up my walking (2-3 miles a day) as well as finally deciding it's time to eat better, MUCH better. So I would consider all this a positive result! :shades:

But I do know exactly what you mean. Worry is wasted energy. Problem is, it's overcoming that train of thought.

30-12-12, 15:21
Oh totally,if only it was that easy!

I just tell it to myself every times feel it coming on. I've also just started CBT and am writing down all my negative thoughts and analysing them. I don't know if it's the intended result but I'm getting really bored writing the same thing down. I think the point might be to bore your sub conscious and make the anxiety give up!

I saw the thing about the earlobes as well.

I truly wouldn't worry and I'm not letting the thought in for a second. I did do a google on it and found a similar study from something like 1998 I think so it's certainly not a new thing. If it had much basis for truth, I think doctors would be using it much more as a diagnostic tool.

30-12-12, 15:45
I saw the thing about the earlobes as well.

I truly wouldn't worry and I'm not letting the thought in for a second. I did do a google on it and found a similar study from something like 1998 I think so it's certainly not a new thing. If it had much basis for truth, I think doctors would be using it much more as a diagnostic tool.

It seems like the news dredges this story up once a year. I just happened to catch the 2012 version. After a bit too much Googling, it seems doctors are still very divided on this and a lot of it seems to be "correlation doesn't imply causation." I've also seen that the most of these studies are quite old (25+ years), some almost anecdotal. And I've also seen some doctors down right dismiss this.

But as any HA sufferer knows, once that seed is planted...

30-12-12, 15:53
YES !!!! The minute I relax and stop thinking I have a serious life threatening illness is the minute I will get one for real. What a negative way to think!, but unfortunately this is how my mind works. :lac:

30-12-12, 17:11
I think just the fact that this and other boards exist means there is a very serious problem among this group of us.

31-12-12, 09:10
Yep we adopt theory A all too easily :hugs: