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27-08-06, 15:07
i have about had enough of this feeling permanently sick and dizzy all day taking 2 diazepam 2mg 1x4halves propranalol 1 x10mg cypralex a day why does this feeling happen doctor tells me to carry on taking pills but fed up of the affects


27-08-06, 15:13
I've just started on 2mg diazepam and 10mg citalopram... This morning I started getting side-effects, bad nausea and a horrible headache. I thought maybe I shouldn't take my pills tonight. But I know I will.

I don't know what your circumstances are but I know that I'd rather be holed up in bed for a couple weeks while I get over the side-effects that feel the full brunt of depression again.

Hang in there, chick. It'll get rough before it'll get better. Maybe ask your doctor if you can change pills with less/different side-effects. Or maybe ask him if you can start on a lower doseage or something.

I'm sorry you feel bad, hun. Hope you get well :)

Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me...</center>

27-08-06, 20:05
Hello mili,Im on citalopram,diazepam when I need them and propranalol.
When I started the citalopram I had awful side affects,feeling sick,tired,weak.No appetite no energy.This went on for two weeks.It does get better.If it doesnt after the two weeks I would go back to the doctor you may need the medication changing.:)


27-08-06, 21:32
[8D]i have been on the cypralex for 3 months now and dont feel any better the diazepam and propranalol about a year the doctor doesnt seem interested in altering the medication only to cut down on the diazepam she also said i had low blood pressure could this be the cause of my dizziness


28-08-06, 17:28
Low blood pressure can cause dizziness.I would ask to see another doctor if you can.The tablets may need to be changed,or the dosage changed.I had to have mine changed,as the side affects were so bad I just couldnt cope with them.
