View Full Version : short of breath

30-12-12, 19:25
hi in the past few days my anxiety has been okay however ive noticed in the past week or two ive felt very short of breath, i notice it more when i lie down and i feel like ive got to take a huge breath or yawn to make it feel better, it also happens when i run up and down the stairs.. i dont know whether i should go to my doctors. anyone get this aswell? or have any advice? thanks

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------

also i dont really get panic attacks anymore which i know gives you shortness of breath

30-12-12, 19:39
Hi there, thats how all my anxiety started with that exact symptom.

Firstly when you climb the stairs believe it or not is physically demanding so pretty much everyone depending how fit they are will get out of breath to some degree, but when your thinking about getting out of breath I find it tends to actually happen more!

secondly when lying down do you immediately start to think about your breathing? because one big thing I learned is that the more you think about your breathing the more of a chore it becomes, you need to ignore it and let your self breathe calmly and naturally, try googling some breathing exercises.

Thirdly the yawning think is a way of getting a breath alot of people with anxiety yawn alot because they are out of breath.

I had problems taking a deep breath, always felt tight chested and even had tingling hands from it!

If it worries you see the doctor but it all sounds like anxiety to me!

30-12-12, 19:47
I've had anxiety for well over a year and havn't noticed this before, unless i had a panic attack or something! I don't get how this could be a symptom as its pretty persistent, but yeah I dont think about it alot. I'm trying not to go to the doctors for a while because I just feel too embarrassed whenever I find out theres nothing wrong. Do you think I should try and ignore it for a while and if it doesnt go I should go to the docs? Thanks for the reply

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:46 ----------

i meant to say i do think about it alot

30-12-12, 19:50
Well there are 2 types of anxiety symptoms one which is like a panic attack that lasts 30mins or so and constant symptoms that are there all the time.

It sounds exactly like I was and now I ignore my breathing and breath naturally it's gone trust me I could have wrote that post myself 6 months ago and I'm only 18 so it's not like I should have breathing problems.

I went to the doctor and it didn't help much but what did help is when I noticed a pattern, the breathing problems were only there when I thought about them, they go as soon as I ignored them.

I had to quit playing football for 6 months because of the fact I couldn't breathe when playing, now i'm fine I'm just loaded up with lots of new symptoms

30-12-12, 19:55
Ok thankyou I'll bear that in mind. Hopefully its nothing as it always is! And yeah i'm with you on the whole lot of symptoms thing -_-

30-12-12, 19:57
Keep busy, ignore your breathing and relax (easier said than done I know) just hate when people start with the breathing thing like I did it's horrible and there all the time, and after all that it turned out to be all in my head