View Full Version : Convinced I have a brain tumour

30-12-12, 22:38
Hi all

Its been a long time since I posted here as I've been fine with my anxiety but its crept back up again in the form of a brain tumour...

I've been experiencing a pain from the right side of my neck, into my arm and also down the right side of my leg to my foot. My right hand and foot feel odd.

I first had these symptoms almost 5 years ago. Doctor didn't know what it was so sent me to neurology. He examined me and all was fine but gave me an mri for my piece of mind. It came back normal. I remember the pain niggling on for a while before going and I've had it once or twice since.

Its been back now for a few weeks and been feeling it daily. I'm convinced its a tumour. Tonight I've kept getting a pain in the left side of my head, this is where the tumour would be if it is what is causing the symptoms on my right side..

Lately I've also kept reading things wrong or having bits of mental blocks and making mistakes when writing etc..again all tumour symptoms.

I found a website where tumour suffers listed their symptoms. There was around 700 entries and I have so many of the symptoms that people had listed.

I am a single mum to a 15 month old baby, I'm scared I'm going to leave him without a mum and not see him growing up. I'm scared something will happen to my in my sleep and I won't be able to get to him when he cries for me in the night or on a morning.

Going out of my mind with worry :weep:

30-12-12, 22:41
I would avoid the websites where people list their symptoms, thats only going to fuel your paranoia.

If you had a tumour in 2007 you'd know about it by now, the fact that you've had symptoms before and been wrong should be of some reassurance to you.

30-12-12, 23:00
Maybe you could see a physio/chiropractor and/ or osteopath. They can diagnose a lot of problems that aren't anything fatal.

31-12-12, 00:18
You certainly need to see your GP again, if they are concerned they will send you for tests again.

As for checking for symptoms, the problem is a lot of the symptoms listed under brain tumour, will also be listed under anxiety disorder. You already have the latter, why look for another reason?

That said, as always, you should see your Doc if really worried and try not to focus on the most scary (and generally least likely) scenario.

31-12-12, 10:34
Thanks for the replies, hopefully I'll get an appointment with the doctors on friday. I'm so scared about what is going on.

31-12-12, 13:20
Sometimes, even for those of us with anxiety, it's natural to be nervous or indeed scared, especially when it comes to health matters.

Obviously your condition (anxiety) just magnifies that natural response, but try to keep positive - remember that tumours are very rare. Anxiety disorder, unfortunately, isn't.

31-12-12, 20:46
Hi, I highly doubt you do have brain tumour to be honest.. The fact you've had these symptoms for a while now just says something. You would know for sure if something was seriously wrong by now if it was.

Just because you have all symptoms of brain tumour doesn't mean you have it. It's like with stomach cancer, I have nearly all symptoms of stomach cancer yet I've been tested for it and I do not have it. I have some other minor issue instead.

I'd avoid looking up on it as well, as that just fuels your anxiety.