View Full Version : Anal fissure (tmi)

30-12-12, 22:56
I feel stupid posting this but I have what I think is an anal fissure. It looks like a tear and can be really painful and I get bits of blood on the toilet paper. But I read that some fissures are misdiagnosed and can be rectal cancer or leukemia! I have went to the doctor a few months ago and he said its just a fissure. Buy now I'm terrorfied! I don't want cancer!!

30-12-12, 22:57
You either have to trust the doctor or ask for more tests I guess.

30-12-12, 23:02
I think you should trust your doctor. I had the same problem and it was very painful. I was given some gel to put on and it has now healed.

30-12-12, 23:49
I suffer from IBS and I got a similar issue. Every time I went to the toilet it would cut again and I would get blood but I had blood tests and it's all fine. Try to look at your diet and it will heal by itself.

31-12-12, 08:56
A fissure is painful. It will heal by itself but give it time. I had one the n it got infected I could not walk or sit down... The pain is caused when it tears open again which can be often.... U will be fine take Painkillers and use cream x

31-12-12, 10:21
I had this after my son was born, ask your doctor for gel or a pessary and keep eating lots of fibre to make 'going' easier. Embarrassing and sore but not deadly xx

31-12-12, 10:47
Hello lisak789. I'm with the "trust your doctor" advice here & using Cream as well. I know the stuff stings like hell but it does work as I recall. Dont feel stupid either because what you have is very painful & not pleasant at all to contend with. Looking at your diet is definitely worthwhile, obviously you may already eat the right things, but making sure as well that you drink plenty, Only go when you need to & no straining at any cost. First time I had blood in that region really scared me, til I realised it was only something relatively straightforward (that was in the days before google was available as well so thank goodness that wasnt there to needlessly escalate any fear I might have). Anyway, I hope you can feel reassured by everyone's messages here as I believe with some sensible & simple care here, you'll be ok soon.

31-12-12, 11:02
i had one recently and i believe from eating peanuts as they are sharp on the way out (tmi sorry) but it will heal xxx

31-12-12, 12:28
i had one recently and i believe from eating peanuts as they are sharp on the way out (tmi sorry) but it will heal xxx
its never tmi on here me thinks. yes, thats another thing to avoid for sure, nuts have caused me problems too. crisps as well or any particularly dry biscuits.

31-12-12, 20:57
Thank you all for your answers! I think though when my doctor gets back from holidays I will get it looked at again. It also seems kind of achey in the rectal area rather then a huge sharp pain. Its so hard to explain.

31-12-12, 21:11
Mine was the same and very uncomfortable. My doctor gave me gel to put on to help it heal but the gel gave me really bad headache.

31-12-12, 21:27
Mine was the same and very uncomfortable. My doctor gave me gel to put on to help it heal but the gel gave me really bad headache.

I believe the gel is the same stuff you use for angina if that makes sense - the spray stuff that I have but have never used. I was given some of the gel but never used it in the end as they said it could give me a headache.

The GTN spray

31-12-12, 21:31
I believe the gel is the same stuff you use for angina if that makes sense - the spray stuff that I have but have never used. I was given some of the gel but never used it in the end as they said it could give me a headache.

The GTN spray

Yes it is...it sends the blood rushing from the area of the fissure to your head. I didn't use it for long as the headache was as bad as the pain from the fissure! I bought some wheatgerm oil instead and that helped and no side effects.