View Full Version : People who post on Facebook saying they have the Norovirus..

31-12-12, 00:03
Does this annoy anyone else too? I was just browsing Facebook earlier and looked through the news feed and saw some funny posts, so I continued scrolling down and was greeted with posts like 'Ughhh can someone shoot me?! I have that Norovirus everyone is talking about!' or 'I can't even keep water down with this horrible stomach virus! I want to die!'. Of course I kinda freaked out and everything but decided to log off of Facebook to do some other things. The first thing that always springs to mind is - if they feel that awful then why are they even on Facebook in the first place? In a way, I'm glad, so I know to avoid them but in another way I'm annoyed because it makes me even more anxious. It's frustrating. :dry:

Anyway, how about you? Do this annoy you also?

31-12-12, 00:21
You said it , you know to avoid them, thats entirely how I would see it. : )

31-12-12, 00:39
Facebook is so portable what with people being able to post from their phones, they have to tell everyone everything. I think they just want a bit of sympathy.

31-12-12, 01:02
I agree Seren, I agree...

Funny enough, these posts are coming from people who do update their Facebook every 5 minutes.. It is anything from going out to the shop to stroking their cat.. :rolleyes:

31-12-12, 08:53
Unfortunately I think it's just human nature to be like this. As a suffer of health anxiety about having a heart attack I HATE when people say things like oh my god you nearly gave me a heart attack when they get scared or when I was lifting a load of boxes at work the other week and someone said you will give yourself a heart attack which isn't the most helpful thing to say when I'm thinking it most of the day anyway. No one at work knows though so its not their fault.

I think if I'm honest it's probably us being over sensitive rather than them doing anything wrong but I do know what you mean!

31-12-12, 12:00
Oh I get this massively. A lot of my friends on Facebook have children (I'm that age now where everyone seems to have toddlers or children) and these people tend to post minute details of their children's condition, so it's always there.

I don't really go out much anyway and see my friends less due to my anxiety and other health problems, so even though I get panicky just looking at it, I know I can't actually catch it from them as I've not seen them for months! Doesn't stop me feeling like I can catch it from the screen though!

01-01-13, 22:54
I always get really anxious when I see people posting about being ill...even if it's people who I rarely/never see. It's almost like I feel that just even reading it puts me at risk..but of course being rational I know it's stupid. But it's just the way the mind of an emetophobe works :( It makes me angry sometimes as I don't know why people feel the need to broadcast such news!