View Full Version : My high intensity CBT appt. has come through

31-12-12, 02:22
Hi all, The appt. has finally arrived and it is in a Drs. Surgery.

Those of you who have read my posts know I have a fear of being around sick people, particularly people with colds/coughs. I really do not know how I will get myself into the surgery at the height of cold and flu season !! I certainly will not be able to sit in a waiting room.

I saw a counsellor who referred me on for this high intensity course and that was in late summer, on that day I was just about able to get into the building and stood in a corner away from people with a scarf over my mouth until I was called in. I had already spoken to the counsellor to see if she had a cold.

I don't know what to do, should I phone her in the morning and tell her how I feel? I do hope she is understanding

31-12-12, 02:33
My advice has to be JFDI - just flipping do it - you will miss out otherwise and nothing could ever happen!

31-12-12, 02:40
I have to say I am very surprised by your reply, If it was that easy I wouldn't need help as that is what my anxiety is all about in the first place. I have had pneumonia twice, and I have asthma. Perhaps if you read my posts you might understand why your reply has upset me so much.
How casual and flippant your reply was to someone who has a problem as intense as mine.
It has taken a lot of courage for me to post on here. I won't be doing it again. Thanks a lot.

06-02-13, 10:59
Hey :)
I don't understand why you got that horrible reply but just to let you know that I do empathise greatly. Did you get to see the counsellor and how did it go? I'm surprised no one else bothered to answer. Please do PM me; I just want you to know there is someone here that understands. I am very similar to you and I'd love to share my tips and thoughts with you. :)

06-02-13, 12:26

Although not a solution to your problem, when I had CBT at my surgery it was not in "appointment time" so there was no one in the waiting room, this could be the case for you.:D

Also simply go up to the receptionist and report in and explain you will just be outside the door if you are called up and could they give you a wave or something when your appointment is ready. I have often seen people wait outside our surgery and have assumed they are in a similar plight to yourself.

Good luck and I hope you make it there, remember there is usually a compromise that will get us through a situation :)
