View Full Version : Fallen down stairs.....what if...

31-12-12, 02:46
Hi back again, I fell down the stairs 3 weeks ago, broke the bottom stair/ landing. (Lol). Badly bruised my back ( right side above bum cheek or as I call it the fat bit above the bum but below the waist). The bruise is faintly still there, didn't go to the docs, but now my ha is out of control. I keep thinking what if I've got a blood clot, no symptoms, other than I've developed a cough today. But think this is down to the winter coughs and colds. But I keep thinking what if its a clot and its moved to my lungs! Having a complete and utter panic about it. It doesn't help a friend of mines mom collapsed and died of a blood clot a month after breaking her ankle. She was in her 60's, I'm only 31. I just keep thinking what if.

How can I stop this 'what if' vicious circle?


Anxious lu
31-12-12, 02:49
I badly bruised my shin recently, really badly and y friend said to me if I had a clot I wouldn't know. Her uncle had one do I took her advice x I'm sure your okay

31-12-12, 03:09
Thanks. Lucy.

It's just the bruise was big, and went around my hip i've read people with hip injuries or hip operations suffer more from blood clots. I'm kicking myself for not going to the docs, it hurt at the time but not to the point where I thought it needed a trip to a&e.

---------- Post added at 03:09 ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 ----------

Sorry panicking a bit even though I feel fine. This 'what if' monster is doing my head in.

31-12-12, 04:17
Ah stupid blood clots :(

If you're over 60, obese, on the pill or have a history of clots the risk is higher.
But I mean thru say you can grt clots from sitting down too long :(
What's one meant to think!
I know older people take a baby aspirin a day as a prevention.

The only symptoms I know are that you'll have a hot, raised or swollen tender area on your skin.

Are you badly bruised? I don't know if you went to the doctor if he'd be able to tell? If there's no hot raised area on the skin.

But it has been a few days now :) people get bruised all the time.

I fell on the ice and had a huge bruise all down my leg.
I never thought if blood clots before, but I think now if I ever get a warm red tender area on my skin I'd go to my doctor. I'm assuming it'll be obvious, different from regular aches, pains or brusing.

Sorry I can't be of any help :( I really don't think you need worry.
Maybe call up nurse line? You can ask them questions :)
I've called Nurse line here that comes free with my health insurance, they have always been lovely and calm and reassuring.