View Full Version : Heart palpitations for months... Freaking me out

31-12-12, 06:57
They are never caused by anything in particular. I notice them most when I am either sitting down, getting up, or lying on my side trying to go to sleep. I have no idea what could be causing them. I am 23, female, almost 6 feet tall and 230 pounds. I am overweight, but I don't think so much that I would have heart problems. There is no history of heart disease in my family, the only people who have had heart attacks have had them from their own life choices. Even still, I am scared. Any advice? What could be causing them?

31-12-12, 14:16
They are never caused by anything in particular. I notice them most when I am either sitting down, getting up, or lying on my side trying to go to sleep. I have no idea what could be causing them. I am 23, female, almost 6 feet tall and 230 pounds. I am overweight, but I don't think so much that I would have heart problems. There is no history of heart disease in my family, the only people who have had heart attacks have had them from their own life choices. Even still, I am scared. Any advice? What could be causing them?
i have weird chest/sensations. im having them at the moment.. have you gone to doctors. have you been diagnosed with anxiety because that can cause them feelings

31-12-12, 21:46
hempchick i have the same symptoms... suddenly started a week ago. when my gp reopens in 2 days i will go in for a checkup. i'm not convinced that its anything serious enough to go to a&e but it is annoying and strange that it should suddenly be happening throughout most days & nights, when previously i might have noticed one or two a week if that... i suggest you go for some tests too, so you can determine a possible cause or set your mind at rest.

31-12-12, 22:13
Have you read this it may help:
