View Full Version : panic wierdness

31-12-12, 10:59
Hi, Please, please help.

I have health anxiety and have had it for many, many years. 6 years ago I was on prozac for 6 months - no problems. However, just over a year ago I started having panic attacks after an unusual reaction to an anti-nausea drug. Whilst I was reacting to the anti-nausea drug (metaclopromide) I was given procyclidine (a drug which lists panic/anxiety as a side affect).

I would have a panic attack every time I saw a bright light (those strip lights you get in offices/shops etc). Once I stopped the procyclidine the panics wore off within a week. However, every now and then I would feel a bit "funny" under strip lighting.

For the last 6 months I've had no panic whatsoever. But then... I decided to take the herbal supplement Inositol as a blood sugar stabilizer (I have PCOS).. I took a very low dose (650mg) and within 6 hours started having panic attacks. Initially I didn't associate the drug with my reaction so took another one... MASSIVE PANIC ATTACK! The funny thing is, Insitosol has also been used as an alternative to medication for the treatment of anxiety and panic!

But it was strange.. I wasn't afraid of anything, didn't feel nervous, just unable to control my bodies reaction! I was restless, shaking, jaw clenched, feeling like my head was exploding.. very uncomfortable feeling. :-(

I think I'm very sensitive to drugs that affect the nervous system (especially stimulants).. caffeine (even a small cup of tea) turns me into a insomniac for 24 hours!

What is going on? Has anyone else had these weird symptoms? I'm not afraid but seem totally unable to control my body! Has anyone ever had any adverse effects to insitosol?

space xxx

31-12-12, 19:59
I have anxiety after taking anti nausea tablets. I had a whopper of a panic attack after taking one dose of metachlopromide. I also struggle sometimes after taking omeprazole and become very over sensitive!
I avoid caffiene and any sugar replacements such as aspartamine as I've read they can affect mood x x

01-01-13, 13:35
Hi starlight,

Thank you for your reply. I didn't know that about aspartame - thanks! my reaction to metacloprominde was a seizure - was horrible - caused all my muscles in my body to go super tense - couldn't even blink or talk :weep: these meds are so strong and we don't even realise it. xxx