View Full Version : I got an illness for real - My worst nightmare

31-12-12, 14:26
I don't know why I'm posting since this isn't a panic (wish it was) but a real problem.

It started with my eyes 2 months ago, I realised they were very dry and my eye whites had gine off colour (I am so so gutted since my eyes were always by far my prettiest feature), went to the eye hospital several times and got fibbed off, one doctor even told me I was looking for problems, then my nose started to dry and I kept getting thrush, my eyelids got swollen various other things and viola! One private consultant £200 appointment later and I have Sjogrens.

My eyes hurt everyday, I cannot put make up on them, the eye drops don't always help, my eyes need treating and washing regularly which makes forgetting about it impossable. The NHS are taking way to long to get me to the right doctor who can potentially give me a very good drug for my eyes but that could be months. I am fatigued a lot and trying to look after my 2 toddlers is getting so hard.

This is a chronic illness that is unpredictable and that was the last thing I needed. If anything I just Wish the doctors would see to me quicker and let me know where I'm up to.

The Bible says Gid never gives you more than you can handle but I don't know anymore..... I am praying that a miraculous healing will take place in my life and I will let you know if it does.

Now, what I have to tell you is this; if at present there is nothing wrong with your body and you know you are just looking fir things please stop, do it for yourself, there is a life out there for you enjoy it! Please don't hinder your healthy days with fears of what doesn't exist if I could only go back I would never worry about my health again, as it stands my health is now a multi faceted issue that needs attention so I cannot even ignor it. But as I said please don't waste your life looking for problems in your body, I wasted so many years of health and now I can't get them back and only by a miracle will I ever be 100% again.

Well that's all folks, I guess I won't be posting here anymore since I know I'm not making this one up.

God Bless you and be happy.

31-12-12, 15:35
Hi I'm sorry to hear that but your post has been a big help to me.

I was about to post my own thread because again I have been worrying all day, I literally look for symptoms, they rarely appear on their own I actually look for them which is wrong I know. It makes me feel bad that you are suffering a real problem and I post threads moaning and whining about my health which as far as I'm aware is fine! I hope you do get better/ find things more manageable and I'm going to try and ignore my irrational fears and stop wasting my doctors time when people who are genuinely ill need their time.

Sorry again about what's happened and I wish you all the best

(This will probably last 10minutes and I'll be back to my worrying self, but I'll try my best!)

31-12-12, 15:37
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That is all of our greatest fears, and for you it has come true. Are there any support groups for this condition that you could attend? Or even online ones such as nomorepanic for the condition itself.

I wish you well and keep us updated as to how you are doing, I am sure everybody will be thinking of you in the future. :hugs:

31-12-12, 16:44
Sorry to hear that you have this problem. But as you have highlight it is a waste of time looking for things to be wrong because in the end you will just be chasing your tail round and round, and leaving your life behind.

I hope you get the help you need quick on the old nhs! Just on another note have you seen the section in the nhs page for clinical trails they are looking for people with sjogrens at the moment! Maybe of help to you.

Take care and get well

31-12-12, 17:11
I am so sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with a health problem, I hope you see the right doctor soon and get some treatment that will help you feel better :hugs:

01-01-13, 13:57
Thanks guys and im at least glad I've helped someone. I can't tell you how crap it is to really be ill and not get tat feeling of relief you get when a symptom goes away.

01-01-13, 14:49
Hi Zonja.j - I'm sorry that you've been given this diagnosis. I did have a look at what the condition entails. I didnt even know there was such a thing. fortunately i'm not plagued by health anxiety so it isnt worry for me to look this up. I'm hopeful that if the doctors can get you on the right medication, that is going to be helpful. It does sound as if you will need to be disciplined over it which of course as you rightly say is the last thing you need. It must be incredibly frustrating having to wait for a consultation, especially after you had to fight so hard just to be effectively diagnosed. The NHS should refund your £200!
Do you think you'd be able to tolerate looking up some information about the condition or would that be likely to have a negative effect for you? If it were me, I'd want to know as much as I can about it before I see the doctor next. Many people (including someone I know with a life-long condition) like to be armed with as much information as they can so they understand their body & what is happening to it. They know what is best to do and importantly what is to be avoided, in fact they actually know more about it than many of the doctors. Obviously everone is different & sometimes it's easier not to know so that might not work for you or at least you might prefer to see the doctors first. From what I have just read (and of course that is just a few words compared to all the information that is no doubt available out there online) it is a condition that can be managed but as you rightly say it needs attention and cannot be ignored.
I wish this hadnt happened for you but you are brave to come back here and at such a difficult time and find it in yourself to pass on a message that might encourage others to quit unhelpful behaviours & begin to be free to enjoy life. These messages can make a huge difference to people.
Finally, I feel that you dont need to stop posting here - because I'm sure this site is intended not only for people who fear they may have illnesses but also those who do have illnesses. It doesnt matter who you are or anything about you... I'm sure that there is still a connecion here regardless of this diagnosis for you. People here would be more than happy to support you and there may be strengths you have to offer people like you have today. That continued connection could be all part of your support network.

01-01-13, 19:35
Hi, I was diagnosed as having sjogrens in 2010 after about 2 years of symptoms, my worst being swollen partoid glands and dry eyes. I was relieved in a way as I finally found out what was wrong, I knew it wasn't right for me to hurt so much when eating, a MRI showed chronic inflammation and blood tests confirmed it.

I go and see my rheumatoligist this month, it is a challenge but to be honest for me I have more trouble with my anxiety and I cope better with my sjogrens I think because its physical

01-01-13, 19:38
Anxious, how old are you? Nice to meet you as well.

02-01-13, 08:02
Hi Zonja, nice to meet you too, I am 35, if it helps their is a Google forum for sjogrens called sjogrens world.

02-01-13, 09:45
I go to Sjogrens world, they are a lovely bunch.