View Full Version : New Years Eve?

31-12-12, 15:01
Anyone else struggle with New Years Eve? For me, it's the worst day of the year as the whole world seems to be out celebrating whilst I'm home alone for yet another year! It also reminds me how much I've missed out on with another year passing and no change for me. Sorry if I'm sounding miserable!

What do you do for New Years Eve?

31-12-12, 15:10
I am staying home with mu hubby so we will have a NMP party here :D

31-12-12, 15:18
I am staying at home, probably will be on this forum to be honest. Don't like crowds, busy places and hate fireworks. All three make me panic. :flowers:

31-12-12, 15:38
i be staying in too with my sister i just be staying up till 12 just to bring in the new year then i be going to bed i understand where ya coming from its just be a new year but everything is still the same i dont like crowds or busy places either i havent been out on a new years eve in ages

31-12-12, 15:49
I'm going out tonight with a couple of friends . I can't allow my self to sit and think at home. Happy new year everyone :)

31-12-12, 16:04
that is so exactly how I feel JayJoe. And then I worry about people asking me 'what did you do for New Years?'
well I stayed at home with my Mum watching tv....again lol
But do you know what? I'm happy, I love my Mum's company so who really cares if others think I'm a saddo for staying in

31-12-12, 16:18
I'm staying in alone too. My fiance and I were invited to a black tie party, but he is away for work and I don't think I can handle going alone. I am looking forward to some "me" time anyway.

31-12-12, 16:23
I'll be at home with my mum and dogs. I hate new years eve and the pressure to make a new start and have a better year. x

Hellington Boots
31-12-12, 20:39
Hi everyone,

I feel exactly the same about New Years Eve, find it the single most depressing night of the year. I have absolutely no idea why but I really do!!! I have been out with friends, been to parties, seen the London fireworks, and been to some amazing places for NYE and I always ALWAYS feel so unhappy and lonely. There is no real reason, I can never understand why. I have a wonderful boyfriend by my side, and lots of friends but even in a crowd of loved ones i feel lonely on this night.

This year I was meant to be at a party with all my friends but I was dreading it. Luckily I have a very easy going and understanding boyfriend who does not mind what we do and is happy to stay in with some tasty food and a bottle of wine. So that is what we're doing. I think any occasion where you are almost meant to be happy makes me feel the opposite!

I have found that Christmas time has also provoked a lot of anxiety for me too, I think all these occasions can be tricky for us anxiety types. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and a 2013 filled with happiness and peaceful hearts and minds. Here's hoping for us all!


31-12-12, 20:46
At home with my wife although we're doing different things (I'm in the computer room, well spare bedroom, but computer room makes us sound posh).

TBH we don't celebrate such things, Christmas (we're both athiests) and New Year, well it's just a number, another day.

We do celebrate / acknowledge birthdays for family because they're personal commemorations, we're not complete miseries :)

31-12-12, 21:32
I hate news years as well, another year gone and still in the same position I was the last years. All that pressure to be out and having a great time. I think I'll have a toast to everyone stuck at home like me! Cheers! Wishing you all love laughter and happiness in 2013 :hugs:xx

31-12-12, 22:49
:blush:Thank God I am not alone in hating it! Massive anxiety today - weeping etc etc. Going to bed soon! May the new year bring all of us who suffer the anxiety/depression twins some relief and happiness! xxx

31-12-12, 22:51
I'm staying home with my cats :):yesyes:

31-12-12, 23:29
The TV's not too bad tonight so I don't mind. Happy new year everyone.

31-12-12, 23:34
You're not alone. I hate this time of year. Christmas gone and now its January. I don't like the beginning of the year at all. Mainly because the holiday season is over, no more holidays until easter, everyone's moods have changed and its all cold and dark until March time

31-12-12, 23:59
I don't usually go out.... Not really my thing. I'd say that it's all a load of hype really over not a lot. I seem to hav gate crashed the nmp party. Certainly a different way to see in the new year for me. U aren't alone, I've got friends here

01-01-13, 00:01
Happy New Year to all!!!!!!:)

01-01-13, 00:02
Happy New Year to all!!!!!!:)

Indeed happy new year. I'm normally in bed by now but somehow I'm still up

Hellington Boots
01-01-13, 00:16
Happy New Year to all NMP peeps! Great support on here.


01-01-13, 00:21
Happy new year NMP.

Here's to a much reduced anxiety 2013 for us all.

01-01-13, 00:32
I look on the passing of midnight on NYE as the beginning of the pathway to spring and summer when I feel so much more human.

01-01-13, 00:36
Anyone else struggle with New Years Eve? For me, it's the worst day of the year as the whole world seems to be out celebrating whilst I'm home alone for yet another year! It also reminds me how much I've missed out on with another year passing and no change for me. Sorry if I'm sounding miserable!

What do you do for New Years Eve?

I'm the same:mad::mad: Too many years now to count:scared15::scared15:

01-01-13, 09:33
I'm the same:mad::mad: Too many years now to count:scared15::scared15:

i woke up this mornign thinkging ugghh another new years day. feeling miserable. well, i'm thinking why am i doing this to myself? its a beautiful day out there. i need a kick up the backside & to be told to take some of my own medicine & get off my backside.
i suppose ultimately no-one else can make the changes for us. we need to initiate it for ourselves. i have things going on that play on my mind & i have probably let them take over too much.
so .... perhaps it's time i kicked back at all of that & made some changes myself.
what do you think everyone? maybe we can all push each other to make it a more positive & productive year? I cant do it on my own though, I need some others to join in, please????

01-01-13, 13:30
Thanks everyone! Glad I'm not alone with this, I read these posts last night but was in a bit of a panic induced by NYE so didn't have time to reply. Anyway I just wanted to wish you all a very happy new year and hope you all enjoyed your night whatever you did or atleast got through the night without any pesky anxiety! I think we can be a bit hard on ourselves this time of year, but atleast we all survived the festive season! :) x

that is so exactly how I feel JayJoe. And then I worry about people asking me 'what did you do for New Years?'
well I stayed at home with my Mum watching tv....again lol
But do you know what? I'm happy, I love my Mum's company so who really cares if others think I'm a saddo for staying in

I worry about this too, what people think of me when I say I have no NYE plans but you definitely have the right attitude haha, why should we care? Hope you and your mum enjoyed the night!

You're not alone. I hate this time of year. Christmas gone and now its January. I don't like the beginning of the year at all. Mainly because the holiday season is over, no more holidays until easter, everyone's moods have changed and its all cold and dark until March time

Oh yeah, I hate the dark nights and bad weather too, it's suprising how much it can alter your mood! Let's hope spring hurries up!

I look on the passing of midnight on NYE as the beginning of the pathway to spring and summer when I feel so much more human.

I really like this, what a great thing to think about :)

i woke up this mornign thinkging ugghh another new years day. feeling miserable. well, i'm thinking why am i doing this to myself? its a beautiful day out there. i need a kick up the backside & to be told to take some of my own medicine & get off my backside.
i suppose ultimately no-one else can make the changes for us. we need to initiate it for ourselves. i have things going on that play on my mind & i have probably let them take over too much.
so .... perhaps it's time i kicked back at all of that & made some changes myself.
what do you think everyone? maybe we can all push each other to make it a more positive & productive year? I cant do it on my own though, I need some others to join in, please????

I'm with you on this, I think it's definitely up to us to make the changes, we can be given all the advice and tools needed but we have to put them into play, a positive mind set is also needed I think (which can be a challenge to find at times!) I'll definitely join you! Maybe we need a thread on what we want to see changed this year? x

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Hi everyone, I've made a new thread for want we want to see change in 2013, here's the link if anyone want's to add there goals: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1094921#post1094921

01-01-13, 13:35
As you could probably tell if you've read my thread "I feel so belittled" I had a tough time on New Year's Eve, but I still tried my best to enjoy myself.

Sometimes I think "Has yet another year really ended?!" and this makes me feel a bit down, especially as existential anxiety is an issue for me at times. :weep:

But actually, I have many things to look forward to this year - 2 holidays in the summer, my birthday in 6 weeks' time (I already know what my main present will be and I'm really looking forward to getting it!) and I'm also looking forward to being able to go on walks in the spring to see the snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils and bluebells. I'll be able to try out my new camera. Spring is one of my favourite times of the year. :)