View Full Version : Analysing all my thoughts, is this normal?

31-12-12, 18:20

My name's Daniel and I'm new here. I have recently turned 21 and have suffered with a bit of hypochondria since I can remember, but after a had my first ever panic attack over two months ago my brain has now gone crazy.

Since then I've had random fears/obsessions over being possessed, intrusive thoughts about killing or not loving my girlfriend and other things.

But lately that's all calmed down now my brain has switched it's focus on itself. Almost every thought I have I'm analysing it to see if I mean what I think and getting scared at intrusive thoughts (again). I seem to be having too many of them recently and I'm scared because I'm doubting whether it's my subconscious or myself thinking them.

It's probably because I'm aware of what I'm thinking that I'm having loads of thoughts about doing horrible things. I never ever mean them, but I'm worried that I won't stop having these thoughts. They are so annoying!

Anyone else have anything like this?

01-01-13, 13:52
Welcome to the forums, Dan. :)

I have suffered with intrusive thoughts too. My thoughts were very morbid and distressing. When my anxiety and depression was at its worst, I sometimes used to feel like I was being possessed by something evil which was controlling my thoughts.

Over-analysing thoughts is very common with anxiety - my mind has always been very active anyway so I find it hard to switch off sometimes.

Have you ever had any help from the doctor's for your anxiety? Eg medication, CBT, counselling etc?

01-01-13, 21:09
Hey, thanks for the reply.

I'm seeing a woman tomorrow who deals with CBT so that's a start I guess.

My new obsession, which started very very recently, is that I seem to have automatic insulting thoughts on people - especially the people I care about. I'm starting to worry because it's completely against my nature (e.g. I'd look at someone and my mind would instantly insult them in some way about their appearance or personality :( ), it's really weird and disturbing. I'm starting to think that my mind is turning evil or something.

I'm guessing because I'm obsessing about it in the corner of my mind I'm tending to do it more, but it's really starting to annoy me.

Really hope someone else has had something similar (for reassurance that I'm not going crazy/schizophrenic/bipolar etc) :)