View Full Version : so dissapointed in myself entering yet another year with health anxiety

mrs way to worried
31-12-12, 18:37
i was so sure i would be over it by now but yet again its the beginning of a new year and im still worried all the time ,how do u get over something when u have a real symptom in my case a growing lump in my cheek the size now of the flat bit at top of my thumb im so convinced its mouth cancer :( im not imagining it its very real it doesnt hurt its soft and squishy and my jaw is very painful and because its mouth cancer by the time a doctor says yes it is its allready to late so what do i do just accept the fact im gonna die and my 3 kids are to young to remember there mum

31-12-12, 18:46
You have to get it looked at then you will know what you are dealing with and take it from there.

As you probably know I have two "real" illnesses that I have to live with and you just take each day/month/year as it comes but you never ever stop living and giving up.

mrs way to worried
31-12-12, 18:59
im at the doctors again on wednsday ive now been 6 times about it to all different doctors they all take one look at my file and wont even examine it so i have no clue what it is im hoping this doctor listens to me and checks it im sick of being scared and talked to like a freak

31-12-12, 23:31
Have none of them looked at the lump at all?

01-01-13, 01:05
Hello, don't be upset with your self because you have entered another year with anxiety. We can't just switch it off hun. Tell the dr they need to look at the lump you can feel to put your mind at rest.
I have a son and I find my anxiety is a lot worse because I know that if any thing happened to me I would be leaving him behind. It's a very scary thought when you are a parent isn't it.
Get the lump looked at properly by a dr and also you could ask about some cognitive behaviour therapy to help you with your anxiety? Then hopefully you will have a much less anxious 2013 :-) xxx

01-01-13, 12:35
I know how you feel Mrs way too worried. I have started the new year with a recurring HA problem, but I have a real symptom too. Painful swollen lymph nodes behind ear, although the GP has checked them dozens of times, I am utterly obsessed with them. Can't get an appointment until next week and I am becoming anxious yet again!. I am sure you will feel more reassured once you have got GP to take a look at your lump, explain that you need them to look at it for your own peace of mind. Take care xx

01-01-13, 12:49
Hi I have one on my neck and it is just a lipoma nothing serious just fatty tissue I have been and got mine removed but going to see surgeon again as I think it is growing again I go on the tenth ? It's nothing to worry about it won't come to anything other than fatty tissue so don't worry mine is all sift and squishy too ?x