View Full Version : can you make symptoms appear?

27-08-06, 21:10
just wondering or is it just me, but you know if you think about wot one of your symptoms feels like does it come? cos mine does.
have i just got a vivid imagination or am i not alone in this

we are all stronger people after having this

27-08-06, 22:20
Hi Julie,

I know where your coming from. If I hear of a symptom that I havent had you can be sure I'd have it by the morning. Weird I know. The mind is a wonderful tool.

Take Care


expecto patronum
29-08-06, 10:45
Yes, I know exactly what you mean, and I think its the worst bit about it cos it makes you feel like you're going mad, trapped in this vicous cycle of thinking=symptom=thinking=symptom=thinking=symptom !! The only way out of it is to stop fearing the symptoms, but obviously thats easier said than done!

Granny Primark
29-08-06, 13:36
Hi julie,
Ive got a very active mind and my imagination since suffering with my first panic attack last year has gone wild.
So i certainly understand where your coming from.

Take care

30-08-06, 17:57
I can ceratinly make symptoms appear. I thought i felt like my arm pit was swollen, that went on for months, the sensation that it was thicker than the other side. And it was a very apparent sensation for quite a few months! If i went out drinking it felt worse! 1 diazapam pill calmed me right down in the end one evening, the symptom disappeared within hours & i havent had it since. That was about 3 months ago now.
Have done it to myself many times.
C xx

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