View Full Version : need advice on emet!

01-01-13, 11:48
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and decided to sign up after reading other threads from fellow emets... i'm so glad and relieved im not the only one with this horrible phobia!!

I've had this phobia for as long as I can remember and it's only in the past couple of years or so that it's caused anxiety and panic attacks. :weep:

I haven't slept very well for the past couple of nights and haven't eaten much either, but last night was horrible... i went to bed feeling sick and after a cup of peppermint tea, i drifted off to sleep. anyway, 2 hours later, i was awake again in a state of panic because the sick feeling was still there (wasn't sure if it was in my head or if i did feel genuinely sick!) i felt awful, my heart was pounding, i thought i was going to throw up, i was on edge and nearly passed out! but the feeling passed eventually and managed to sleep again.

anyway, this morning i woke up, still feeling sick and after eating an orange i threw up for the first time in 10 years. i couldn't believe it! it really wasn't that bad... it's the anticipation that's the worse part. soon afterwards, i felt okay, yet still anxious because i fear this could be the dreaded noro :( ive tried eating toast, but my appetite has gone and it's as if my body doesn't want to swallow food. :mad:

i don't feel unwell, just full of anxiety and i've taken an anti-sickness tablet just incase.

i need your opinions though, is this some sort of bug? or is it anxiety that's caused this? i would be so grateful if anyone could offer their advice.

thankyou for reading :)

01-01-13, 16:39
Hi love,

Sorry that you are struggling. This time is the worst time of year for me and a lot of other people, so you are not alone.

It doesn't sound like a bug - as you said, you don't feel ill as such. If it was a virus (specifically the one that has been in the media) it would be accompanied by diahorreah usually and high temperature. I think also, if it was a bug, you would have been sick more.

I strongly suspect the combination of lack of sleep, lack of food and anxiety contributed to your episode. Also, if your stomach is empty, eating citrus fruits can sometimes aggravate the lining of you stomach. If you can keep trying to eat toast, that would be the best bet - or something fairly stodgy like plain pasta that will fill you up. Avoid spicy or citrus based foods and stick to plain for the time being.

Well done for being brave and dealing with it. It's horrible when it happens (the anticipation is the worst part like you said) but it sounds as if it's just a combination of factors.

If you start to feel more unwell, make sure you don't go to your GP or A&E, or anywhere really for that matter for around 48 hours after last episode - this will give the chance for the bug to get out of the system. Obviously if you are very very ill (losing consciousness or anything like that) then it's a different matter, but the bug runs it course usually within 24/48 hours. Drink plenty of fluids and make sure you deep clean anything that has come into contact with s*. I'm almost certain it isn't a bug though.

On a side note - are you receiving any help for your phobia or anxiety? There are lots of threads on this forum and other subforums that can help with trying to overcome this horrid condition. I have suffered from emetephobia for over 20 years, and had CBT in 2007 to try and address it after a breakdown. It did help, and although I am bad again in terms of my thought processes, I know with a little help and the right reading material I can try and remember what I was taught. There is also some medications that you can be prescribed to help manage your anxiety.

Take care. xox

01-01-13, 17:53

If you have not been sick since this morning then no, I doubt it's the stomach bug. In my past experience with stomach viruses, I was always sick every half an hour with it..

Anxiety can make you nauseous and throw up in some cases. Since you mentioned you are full of anxiety then that could be it. I know I feel even more nauseous whenever I'm anxious, like now..

01-01-13, 18:05
Hi Catty, I agree with the others-doesn't actually sound like a virus to me, if you have a) only been sick once and b) you don't feel too bad generally. Actually, the exact same thing happened to me Boxing Day 2011 (so almost a year go). I started to feel sick and tried to sleep it off, then I woke up feeling really nauseaus and ran to the loo, but nothing actually happened, but I remember my heart was racing, as I was scared and wondered what was wrong with me...The next morning I felt fine. I am guessing mine was most probably anxiety related. Anxiety can indeed bring out very physical symptoms and can even cause you to be sick. Perhaps the citrus fruit on an empty tummy may have irritated your insides. It's good though that you didn't find the experience of being ill too traumatising-funnily enough, I think that the fear of maybe being sick is far worse than actually being sick. I hope as I write this, you are already feeling much better. I really wouldn't worry-this does sound very anxiety related to me. Try to relax and you will be absolutely fine. Happy New Year to you. :)

01-01-13, 21:22
thank you all so much for your kind replies! I'm feeling much better now, have been anxious all day but no way near as bad as last night.

I'm not getting help for this, so I rely on obsessively carrying mints everywhere, rescue remedy, taking vitamin b (which really helps), drinking chamomile or peppermint tea and using relaxation techniques etc.

I'm using sterizar hand foam which claims to kill noro so that gives me a peace of mind :)

I feel so disappointed with myself that I allowed anxiety to get the better of me
and that I actually threw up - what a great start to the year!! :mad:

02-01-13, 15:18
I hope you don't mind me posting this and I am only doing it for your best interests - feel free not to say anything if it makes you uncomfortable or if you'd rather PM me you're welcome too.

Is there a particular reason why you are not getting help for it? Is it a fear, or are you preferring to do it without any medical or psychological intervention? I'm not saying there is a right or wrong answer as it's totally up to the individual, but there are a lot of different things out there that can help with anxiety - you shouldn't have to go through it alone by employing obsessive behaviour like carrying mints and rescue remedy.

There are a few threads on another forum from people who have decided to take a non-medical/psychological treatment.

Think of the episode as proof to yourself that you CAN deal with this. xox

02-01-13, 17:53
i don't know why i haven't gotten help for this - i guess it's because i can't find the courage to see a doctor. i'm also worried about being put on any prescription drugs, due to bad experiences... i believe it was the pill that caused my anxiety in the first place, which then developed into emet. i did see a doctor once about my anxiety/panic attacks (that was just as i was coming off the pill, 2 years ago) and i was prescribed diazepam. although it worked wonders, i was starting to rely on it to get through each day and knew it wasn't doing me any good, so slowly weaned myself off them and thankfully haven't touched them since. a non-medical route seems like a better idea for me, i shall have a look around the other threads and see what i can find. :)

im not going to let this beat me! ive fought it for too long now!!

02-01-13, 18:08
Loads of good non medical intervention around, you just need to see what's best for you. I found hypnotherapy great, also cbt very good if a bit hard core! I had exposure therapy which does work but it was really hard for me. Your doctor is a good place to start x

02-01-13, 18:11
have you heard of eft tapping techniques? I stumbled across a video about it on youtube, its about twenty mins long, but it really does help to calm and relax me when things get too much!!

02-01-13, 18:15
Catty 91 ... I'm all with you there! I'm sure that my problems also began with the pill (initially had panic attacks, but didn't understand them at first .. then the emet developed over many years) I would prefer not to use prescription drugs as a young cousin has become addicted to anti-depressants. Think we should all use your quote 'I'm not going to let this beat me .. I've fought it for too long now!' Good luck!

02-01-13, 18:35
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and decided to sign up after reading other threads from fellow emets... i'm so glad and relieved im not the only one with this horrible phobia!!

I've had this phobia for as long as I can remember and it's only in the past couple of years or so that it's caused anxiety and panic attacks. :weep:

I haven't slept very well for the past couple of nights and haven't eaten much either, but last night was horrible... i went to bed feeling sick and after a cup of peppermint tea, i drifted off to sleep. anyway, 2 hours later, i was awake again in a state of panic because the sick feeling was still there (wasn't sure if it was in my head or if i did feel genuinely sick!) i felt awful, my heart was pounding, i thought i was going to throw up, i was on edge and nearly passed out! but the feeling passed eventually and managed to sleep again.

anyway, this morning i woke up, still feeling sick and after eating an orange i threw up for the first time in 10 years. i couldn't believe it! it really wasn't that bad... it's the anticipation that's the worse part. soon afterwards, i felt okay, yet still anxious because i fear this could be the dreaded noro :( ive tried eating toast, but my appetite has gone and it's as if my body doesn't want to swallow food. :mad:

i don't feel unwell, just full of anxiety and i've taken an anti-sickness tablet just incase.

i need your opinions though, is this some sort of bug? or is it anxiety that's caused this? i would be so grateful if anyone could offer their advice.

thankyou for reading :)
Hi. I have just joined this site as I am driving myself crazy over this dreaded Noro virus. My name is Jen. I am 26 years old and have suffered from eme snce I was a small child. The last time I was **** I dont even want to say as its been that long. 1996!!!!. It takes over my lfe, I have panic attacks. I never sleep through the night as I always have this thought in the back of my mind that I will wake up in the night ill. It gets so bad that I sometimes dont want to leave the house, I scream to the point of loosng my voice. I scratch my wrists and sometimes in my head think I would rather DIE then be sick. This time of year is the WORST. I have just been off over christmas so was away from it all. I felt fine! still anxious but in no panic as I was away from the germs at work. I went back today to hear that my friend Mike has it and someone else had it over christmas. Even though I have been nowhere near them in weeks, I am n servere panic. have washed my hands constantly today but already I know when its time for bed my panic will start. Any advice or comments, I would appreciate. I have read on several websites, we just need to have good hygiene and to not touch our faces etc but I still need reassurance
xxxxxx Thanks all xxxx Jen

02-01-13, 19:24
Hi Jen. Aaw, know just how you feel. I too am a sufferer (long term) .. and had a bad experience last night with a neighbour. We're all good at saying things like 'I know it's stupid, but ...' and 'I just can't stop looking things up in the paper' etc etc. Don't know if you've seen it, but Iced Diamond's posting 'A message for those scared by Noro' is really good and has helped me a lot. I also read all the other posts on here about Noro and find them all helpful .. we're all in the same boat! Hope I've been of some help .. let us know how you're doing :hugs:

02-01-13, 19:34
Yes, I also wouldn't advise using anti-depressants. In my opinion, they only hide the problem. I'd prefer to get over it naturally, but that's just my opinion. Also, they give me awful side effects so I stopped taking them.

I'm having exposure therapy at the moment and it's making me nervous, but oh well, anything to rid of this horrid phobia.

02-01-13, 20:27
have washed my hands constantly today but already I know when its time for bed my panic will start

Hi Jen. Hi from another emet...or should I say "yet another"! It's interesting that u anticipate panic starting when u go to bed. What u need to work towards is making bed/bedtime something relaxing rather than something2 dread. By being anxious b4 u get there is going2 ensure a bad night's sleep. There's a very good thread on this site, link below. Have a read of the info on the last page added by iced_diamond. Read it over & over as it's very reassuring.

Focus your mind where u want it to be. U can take control. When it's time to start getting ready for bed tonight, replace the automatic reaction of anticipating panic with a conscious effort to RELAX and perhaps do deep breathing exercises or other things that will help. See the self help link on the left. Abdominal breathing is noted on there. Fill your mind with alternative more pleasant thoughts.


03-01-13, 11:25
Catty 91 ... I'm all with you there! I'm sure that my problems also began with the pill (initially had panic attacks, but didn't understand them at first .. then the emet developed over many years) I would prefer not to use prescription drugs as a young cousin has become addicted to anti-depressants. Think we should all use your quote 'I'm not going to let this beat me .. I've fought it for too long now!' Good luck!

just out of interest, what pill were you on? i was on yazmin aka POISON! theres a forum on the net about this pill and so many different women all suffered the same side effects from this pill, the most common being panic attacks and anxiety. never again!!

---------- Post added at 11:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Hi. I have just joined this site as I am driving myself crazy over this dreaded Noro virus. My name is Jen. I am 26 years old and have suffered from eme snce I was a small child. The last time I was **** I dont even want to say as its been that long. 1996!!!!. It takes over my lfe, I have panic attacks. I never sleep through the night as I always have this thought in the back of my mind that I will wake up in the night ill. It gets so bad that I sometimes dont want to leave the house, I scream to the point of loosng my voice. I scratch my wrists and sometimes in my head think I would rather DIE then be sick. This time of year is the WORST. I have just been off over christmas so was away from it all. I felt fine! still anxious but in no panic as I was away from the germs at work. I went back today to hear that my friend Mike has it and someone else had it over christmas. Even though I have been nowhere near them in weeks, I am n servere panic. have washed my hands constantly today but already I know when its time for bed my panic will start. Any advice or comments, I would appreciate. I have read on several websites, we just need to have good hygiene and to not touch our faces etc but I still need reassurance
xxxxxx Thanks all xxxx Jen

have you tried buying an anti viral hand foam from boots? you can find it in the first aid section, i use that along with sterizar hand foam which i bought off the net it claims to kill the noro and gives me a little reassurance! :)

03-01-13, 14:15
Catty91, I'm so sorry but just cannot remember the name of the pill I was on .. I remember it started with 'equi' but that is all. I was originally put on the pill for painful periods when I was 17 .. since then I've had two sons (one is now 40!!) and I'm in my 60's!! I came off the pill because of severe anxiety and panic attacks and had times when I was superb (after I came off the pill) ... no problems at all ... then I was put on to HRT when I started to go thro' the menopause and WHAM !!! ... problems all started again. You name it, I got it ... migraines, anxiety, depression and massive emetophobia. Must have all been connected. Even though I stopped the HRT it carried on and is still there ... although it does vary. It's too much of a coincidence not to be connected. So, I now just keep to natural alternatives and am looking to try CBT. Just so angry that this stupid reporting of the norovirus has brought it all to the fore again and it's affected so many of us (the reporting, I mean!) Just got to keep positive ... and keep washing the hands!!:)

04-01-13, 23:04
never ever again will I pump synthetic hormones into my body! I wish doctors had better understanding about some of these sides effects!! how did you manage to cope with the anxiety and emet?

05-01-13, 00:52
I've had hypnotherapy and acupuncture for the anxiety and emet .. and at this time of year I take multidophilus tablets and Immune support plus. I go to a good health food shop and she also recommended Valerian tincture and echinacea and goldenseal. There's another good one called Balance for nerves and also theanine. I just take these as and when necessary. Nothing 'cures' the emet (especially when it's being given all this hype, but I know that some of these have helped me greatly. Last winter I was so much better .. I think that there's been far too much media intervention this year and that's why we're all much worse.

05-01-13, 10:13
I've had hypnotherapy and acupuncture for the anxiety and emet .. and at this time of year I take multidophilus tablets and Immune support plus. I go to a good health food shop and she also recommended Valerian tincture and echinacea and goldenseal. There's another good one called Balance for nerves and also theanine. I just take these as and when necessary. Nothing 'cures' the emet (especially when it's being given all this hype, but I know that some of these have helped me greatly. Last winter I was so much better .. I think that there's been far too much media intervention this year and that's why we're all much worse.
what we all need to be doing is focusing away from all that media hype, because that's just what it is.... hype. Remember - change your focus to something more positive!