View Full Version : New member with Medical phobias

27-08-06, 21:41
Hi there!

My name is Clare, I am 36 years old and live in Stoke-On-Trent in the UK.

I suffer badly from medical phobias: Needles/Injections, blood/Injury, Hospital and dental phobia.

I would love to meet other people with similiar phobias to my own, and I am looking forward to being a member here


27-08-06, 21:44

Welcome aboard.

You are certainly not alone with these phobias!

Hope we can be of some help.


27-08-06, 22:17
Hi Clare,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


27-08-06, 22:32
Hi Clare

Welcome to the forum, you will find alot of useful information here.


27-08-06, 22:45
Hi Clare

a BIG Welcome to the forum,



polly daydream
27-08-06, 23:02
Hi Clare and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


28-08-06, 07:14
hi and welcome
i hopeyou get loads of help and new friends from this site as much has i have
bell xx

28-08-06, 10:55
hi clare i only joined the site 2 weeks ago, i have got a health phobia, i hate anything to do with hospitals, doctors, i cant have any tests done for myself, its a phobia, but the strange thing is i work in a hospital, i am ok looking after other people its just myself, i do wonder sometimes when the patients get bad news i always think imagine if that was me i wouldnt be able to cope, anyway hope to hear from you soon x joanne

28-08-06, 11:59
Hi Clare! Welcome to the site, hope it helps. :)

I have big fear regarding dentists and my teeth, so I can relate on that part. (I have to go for a check-up next month [:O] )

Hope we can help,

Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me...</center>

28-08-06, 13:09
Hi Clare

I know exactly how you feel. I'me terrified of Doctors and Dentists.
I had'nt been to the Dentist for years but my teeth needed sorting out badly so i managed to pluck up the courage(god knows where from ! )
and go earlier this year. Had to have loads of work done was terrified but i got through it somehow and it gave me a bit more confidence having my teeth look better. Doctors are the worse for me though, just thinking about it makes me feel physichly sick.
Iknow how you feel, i really sympathise with you.
Love Rosebudxxx

28-08-06, 13:41
Hello and just to say that I have just joined the boards a couple of days ago and have had good advice and understanding from everyone on here. It really helps us and you can come away feeling better.

Love Angiex

Granny Primark
28-08-06, 16:13
Hi clare,

Welcome to this brilliant site. Im sure youl get loads of advice, help and support from the members.
I also come from stoke on trent.

Take care

28-08-06, 16:36

A big warm welcome to the forum.

x x

28-08-06, 18:05
Hi Clare,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

29-08-06, 13:27
Hello Clare - welcome to the forum
love Helen

06-10-06, 17:29
I found this site today and find that just talking about the subject helps. At least fellow sufferers understand the conflict between common sense and the irrational fear that makes phobias so difficult to deal with on a personal level. I have always avoided blood tests, hospitals and dentists unless fate steps in and I have no option (see my intro under gbbryn). In desperation, I looked on the net for assistance and most of the believable remedies for our condition unfortunately require that we face up to and beat the affliction. Not the natural style of a phobic person who would rather run or curl up in a ball somewhere! As an experiment I have been mentally acting through the likely treatment for my broken forarm/wrist - its an awkward one which requires plates, pins etc. Usually I would faint by thinking about such treatment. I still fear that given the real life situation next week I'll be a sobbing wreck and begging for mercy whilst nearby there will be kids with similar treatment just letting the medics get on with it. However, one can but try. Wish me luck and if I find anything that helps I'll post back. Pity there is not a vaccination to make us all normal....but there again, I'd run away from it[^]