View Full Version : Have to go.

01-01-13, 13:11
:weep: I have suffered with health anxiety, well forever really. So much so I am terrified of going to the doctors, incase they tell me something bad. I really cannot remember the last time I went, not been since 2010, I dont think. But sadly I have realised Im gonna have to go, I have felt just crap for months now and the last few weeks the whites of my eyes keep going yellow, I still have the nagging pain under my right ribs, I have resigned myself that its liver cancer, liver failure, dont even know why Im posting this, I really am so scared dont know how im going to find the courage to ring the doctors tomorrow, im such a bloody coward:weep:

01-01-13, 13:17
Hi sorry you feeling like this, You are not a coward, before my current habit of visiting the doctors weekly, I had not been there for 3 years. This was due to fear of being told I have a terminal illness etc but my googling obsession and Health Anxiety made matters unbearable, so eventually booked an appointment.
Have you got a friend of family member to attend with you? Sometimes a bit of moral support can make a big difference.
Usually our worst Health concerns to do not come true, and I am sure you will feel better once you have visited the doctors. :hugs:

01-01-13, 14:59
dizzydaisy, you arent a coward. there are many, many people like you who dont like going to the doctors. i'm ok with going but i still get nervous when i phone to book the appointment. i still get nervous when i'm in the waiting room & relaly, i dont suffer with bad anxiety. i'm probably average where that's concerned. you know what you have to do now..... so brace yourself tomorrow & make the call. For sure there'll be people on here who will know exactly how you feel. Imagine the sense of achievement if you can do it. Not only that but it's the first step in taking care of yourself & relieving those awful symptoms of stress & anxiety related to your fears. Fingers crossed. Let us know how you get on.

01-01-13, 15:20
Dizzydaisy, I feel exactly the same way. I keep telling myself I need to go and register with my local GP and make an appointment this week, but even now I have no idea if I'm actually going to be able to make it over there tomorrow to do so.

01-01-13, 18:42
Hi malibupete & dizzydaisy: How about u join forces? You could keep tabs on each other? Sometimes, knowing there's someone coping with similar things is helpful - It wouldnt matter what the outcome is tomorrow i.e whether you succeed or not. Its just good anyway that you're both thinking about going..... That means you know what you need to do but obviously, actually doing it isnt easy. Do you best & we'll see what happens :-)

01-01-13, 22:21
Thank you for taking the time to reply, it really helps just sharing with someone else. I know I have to go now, its certainly not my IBS, and I know its not gall stones.I had a ultra sound scan in 2009 which said my gall bladder was fine, but did show a fatty liver. Malibupete, please dont leave it as long as me, go sign up with your doctor, you never know when your gonna need one in a hurry for a bug! Why dont you do it tomorrow and we can check back here to see how we went:)

01-01-13, 22:46
I shall try! It's just the whole process of having to have a medical, the fear of all the things I might be told are wrong with me, and the almost certain knowledge that I'll get a stern talking-to about my weight (I'm big) :weep: Hope you manage to get to your doctor, and do let us know how it went!

01-01-13, 23:00
Dizzydaisy you are not a coward, these things are so hard. If it makes you feel any better I am also off to the docs tomorrow, after 1.5 years I am going to try and tell them about my anxiety and get some help. Good luck, I know how scary these things are, you are being very brave :)

02-01-13, 14:52
:D I went, really pleased with myself and the doctor was so nice. I have had my blood taken to check my liver function and have to wait for an appointment at the hospital for another ultra sound, at the moment Im so pleased I went I havent had time to worry about what they might find:wacko: I dare say that worry will creep up on me in the middle of the night.......

02-01-13, 15:11
Aww congratulations on getting yourself to the doctors, I bet you feel really proud of yourself! I don't really like going to the doctors but then again I don't like going anywhere as it provokes my anxiety! I just wanted to mention something that my doctor found in my blood test a while ago, it was that I have low bilirubin levels which can lead to jaundice, I don't know if your symptoms might match this or not? Just thought I'd mention it as there's lots of different things it could be but I think anxiety always makes us think about worse case scenarios. Hope you get some answers soon!

02-01-13, 15:15
Congratulations for your bravery Dizzydaisy, hopefully everything will be okay but regardless you managed to get yourself to the doctors which is a giant step so well done! Remember if needs be, you can call a doctor to your house. Medical professionals tend to understand if you can't get to the doctor and there's always something they can do.

Remember to try not to Google symptoms! haha

Well done,

Joe x

02-01-13, 16:52
Pleased you made it the doctors Dizzydaisy . You should feel proud of yourself. xxx

02-01-13, 20:42
Really well done & I'm pleased it went well. The thing to do now is keep your mind busy while u r waiting. Occupy yourself & if u find yourself dwelling on it.... Change your focus onto something productive or pleasureable...be that music or a good book or tv program etc.

03-01-13, 01:10
Hey there,

I find Ativan helps for these situations. I am TErrified of the doctor, but I always make myself go because there are two scenarios when going to the doctor:
1) They tell you are fine. :)
2) They treat you for an illness and you get better! :)

Either way, you win.

Nothing is bad about either of these situations.
Pop an Ativan and make an appointment. You're not a coward. You have health anxiety.