View Full Version : New Year - Road to Recovery Wishes

01-01-13, 13:29
Hi everyone, following on from my thread about New Years Eve I thought it might be a nice idea if we all listed what we wanted out of 2013? Not new year resolutions as such, as I find that too many people make resolutions just for the sake of it, I'm thinking more the little steps that you want to take to point you to the road to recovery, or the things you want to start or stop doing this year. If we write them here atleast we have a place to come back to in a few weeks, months etc. if we need an extra kick up the bum & if we can all help and encourage each other maybe it will be easier?

Just ideas and personal wishes for the new year, no pressure!

I'll start:

1. Stop comparing myself to my peers - I'm my own person and I have to come to terms with the fact that I do infact have an illness that puts me at a disadvantage so I'm obviously not going to be able to do everything they do, but I need to stop feeling bad about it and putting myself down.

2. Stop putting things off - There's never going to be a 'right time' to try and overcome this illness and it's never going to be a quick or easy fix. I need to stop putting things off and just go for it, I don't want to look back in years to come still in the same position thinking why, where did my life go? I don't want to keep saying 'I'll do this next week' 'I'll try again tomorrow' it needs to be now. Which brings me to 3...

3. Start medication - This is a wish, I don't know if I will be able to do it, who knows, but I do know it's something that I need, or atleast something I should try.

4. Start a course - I've wasted 2 years of my education and missed out on sixth form/uni so now I'm at a disadvantage academically to my peers. I want to atleast make the effort to get some more qualifications behind me in the hope that one day I'll be well enough to go out in the world and use them.

5. Finally, I wan't to see an improvement in myself by 2014 (when I turn 21) I don't want this special birthday to just pass me by like my 16th & 18th did, I want to celebrate it!

Fingers crossed & good luck everyone :)

01-01-13, 13:51
Great post. ok here goes

1. stop drinking so much

2. not have any more time off work

3. get a social life

4. have cbt or hypnotherapy to address the underlying issues that are holding me back

5. hopefully make new friends, maybe even a new partner ( ive been single/divorced for 10 years)

01-01-13, 14:16
jayjoe18 great thread. I'm in....
1. Stop stuffing my face with all the wrong things & using this as a comfort instead of actually dealing with why I'm doing it.
2. Get my bike out again & start riding it because its something I enjoy.
3. Continue reflecting on how the past still influences/affects me today; but work towards leaving the past behind & living in the present instead.
4. Keep working on believing that when people pay me compliments they mean it.
5. Believe in myself & just be myself.

01-01-13, 15:03
Great thread, jayjoe! Here is my list:

1. Exercise & have 'me time' daily.
2. Go out daily and keep expanding my comfort zone with regular, new challenges.
3. Reward and give myself credit for my achievements no matter how small.
4. Be kind to myself.
5. Keep a personal journal including a daily gratitude journal.
6. Time is so precious. Use it constructively on activities & with people who have a positive influence on my life.
7. Make new friends and grow within existing friendships.
8. Enrol on a dressmaking course in September to build on existing skills.
9. Take a holiday abroad this year.
10. Live in the moment.
11. Continue to grow as a person.
12. Have fun, smile and laugh a lot! Be open to new opportunities, have lots of adventures and create lots of happy memories to reflect on this time next year.

01-01-13, 15:50
great list, can i borrow a few?

01-01-13, 17:20
great list, can i borrow a few?

Borrow as many as you like! :D Happy new year! I hope that your goals become your reality :yesyes:

02-01-13, 14:55
Some great goals here, hope we can get more people involved! Good luck guys x

05-01-13, 13:37
jayjoe18 great thread. I'm in....
1. Stop stuffing my face with all the wrong things & using this as a comfort instead of actually dealing with why I'm doing it.
2. Get my bike out again & start riding it because its something I enjoy.
3. Continue reflecting on how the past still influences/affects me today; but work towards leaving the past behind & living in the present instead.
4. Keep working on believing that when people pay me compliments they mean it.
5. Believe in myself & just be myself.

So, one week in, let's see.... still stuffin my face; have 'looked' at my bike & through the window of a bike shop & thought "that looks like fun";
I,ve continued to reflect on my past...but am reminding myself to live in the present too.

How's everyone else getting on?

07-01-13, 18:19
Hey Tessar! For only one week in that's great, I'm glad to hear your starting to think about riding again :yesyes:

For me, I've been looking into courses and found the perfect course for me but just weighing up the costs at the moment! I have also been putting off going to the doctors and now after reading my post I think I best get a move on and stop putting it off! I think I'll make an appointment for morning surgery tomorrow :)

12-01-13, 15:30
Made it to the Docs! Was horrible as I had to wait nearly an hour but I'm glad it's over and done with now! Also applying for my course on Monday but will have to wait to see if I get accepted onto it or not, fingers crossed! Hope your doing well Tessar?

12-01-13, 17:09
Jayjoe - what was the outcome of your doctor's appointment? What help did they offer you for your anxiety?

12-01-13, 17:44
Made it to the Docs! Was horrible as I had to wait nearly an hour but I'm glad it's over and done with now! Also applying for my course on Monday but will have to wait to see if I get accepted onto it or not, fingers crossed! Hope your doing well Tessar?
really well done jayjoe. must hae been horrible waiting so long. i remember once (when i was going to the dr to be signed off for depression) although i checked in at the desk they somehow forgot me! nice huh, in my moment of need! oh well, that was a long time ago now. well, i have my fingers crossed re: your course & feel you are getting stuck into 2013 very well.
me, i'm still plugging away; all these things take time but i do keep looking at my bike & once this horrid weather improves, i do feel that i'll most likely get back on it. i do want to. thank u for asking! you'll have to keep us informed of what happens next for you & well done again!

14-01-13, 16:59
Jayjoe - what was the outcome of your doctor's appointment? What help did they offer you for your anxiety?

I went for something unrelated, a pain I've been getting (she couldn't seem to find anything wrong though which makes me feel like a hypochondriac even though the pain is very real!) but as she was the one who referred me to CBT and prescribed me Fluoxetine she asked how I was doing with the medication etc. I had to tell her I hadn't taken it, I felt really bad as she's trying to help me but I'm just not cooperating, not because I don't want to, I'm just terrified to take them :( She did check on the CBT and said I've been waiting long (5 months) but that it can sometimes take that long. I suppose there's not much else she can do for me?

really well done jayjoe. must hae been horrible waiting so long. i remember once (when i was going to the dr to be signed off for depression) although i checked in at the desk they somehow forgot me! nice huh, in my moment of need! oh well, that was a long time ago now. well, i have my fingers crossed re: your course & feel you are getting stuck into 2013 very well.
me, i'm still plugging away; all these things take time but i do keep looking at my bike & once this horrid weather improves, i do feel that i'll most likely get back on it. i do want to. thank u for asking! you'll have to keep us informed of what happens next for you & well done again!

Thanks Tessar, it was a definitely a challenge!
That must of been terrible too, I bet you had to wait ages! It's definitely not good when it's a struggle to get yourself there in the first place and they just make things harder! The weather isn't very bike friendly at the moment but maybe spring/summer you can think about it then (that's if we get any nice weather this year). It is difficult though, it's Monday night and I didn't apply for the course, I'm putting things off again but hey, we can't expect to change over night, like you said it takes time. Hopefully I will apply soon :)

14-01-13, 18:09
Ah OK, I replied to your thread about citalopram side effects so I just assumed your doctor had prescribed you that.

I've never taken fluoxetine, but someone posted on here recently about the cranzac method (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123828&highlight=cranzac), which could maybe help you?

It's a shame you have to wait so long for CBT. Have you considered doing a free online course while you're waiting? I've found this one (http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=46) particularly useful, although there are several other sites which offer free CBT.

I hope this helps. :)