View Full Version : Fatigue

01-01-13, 14:53
Not sure if I have posted about this here before but I do feel that there is some underlying cause for the fatigue I feel and I just don't know what to do. I have delayed going to the doctors because of my fear of illness ( I am Emetophobic) and I am worried this won't be fixable. It's really bringing me down so I am just really typing out to get it off of my chest. 9 months ago I begun to develop symptoms when tired & a sensitivity to heat. I used to love the sun & would spend weeks in it on holiday with my family but suddenly I'd feel awful in the sun, tired, feel sick etc. which is hard when you have a phobia and I'd fear it being sunny. I was in distress on the few days it was sunny here in England in the summer. The tiredness starting to feel worse.. I feel sick if I get too tired, like so awful I have to take anti-emetic and with a phobia this is horrific, I also sweat profoundly.. literally and become so over exhausted. I put up with it though thinking no one would believe me and I kept asking people so many questions about fatigue trying to find answers myself but never found reassurance this'd get better & was normal. I used to be able to stay up till 3am in the morning.. (I am 20 years old) and just feel normal tiredness.. now I fear losing sleep due to how it makes me feel. Before we moved 6 months ago I was starting to go to bed at half 8 i culdnt stay up literally couldnt.. and even when i got enough sleep id feel tired next day and horrible and spend the day in bed. I have out of breath days.. that's what I call them where i feel dizzy etc. for no reason I went to a doctor about this part.. and he gave me asthma inhaler so I begun to try exercise but I'd just feel exhausted.. I am 20 slim so it feels like i shouldn't get the way I do when I exercise. When I moved in June I went through a lot of stress & the fatigue hit me even harder. I begun waking up 2-3 times a night, struggling with the heat in the house, sweating so much and having to soak a towel in the night to try sleep. Even when I was getting enough sleep I'd wake up feeling awful from tiredness with all symptoms I said above. I literally crashed for a few weeks too. I lay in bed as still as possible.. I was so exhausted, felt sick, and would sweat & sweat. I didn't do anything those few weeks.. felt i couldn't function & i just cried thinking bout how i may never go out again, how i'd cope if i had a baby.. never mind with the phobia i have but also the fact i couldn't get up in the night with a baby feeling as i do... or how would i have a job. It just hit me out the blue all of this.. I have been to doctors and had 5 blood tests.. all vitamin levels etc. tested, thyroid.. diabetic test.. they tested due to other things i was complaining bout.. i have been weeing in the night and stinging for a while now too and i mentioned tiredness so they tested for diabetes. all came back normal, i have only mentioned tiredness twice to doctors as i kept praying and hoping it'd pass & that it was all in my head but I know its not. I have been wanting to go to doctors for weeks but due to all the news etc. and my fear of illness & germs I haven't felt able to as I am so afraid but I know I need to see someone bout this. The last 2 weeks it felt like it might be finally improving but then with it being New Year last night tried to stay awake.. and it has hit me hard. I felt so awful last night.. had huge panic attacks as I was sweating etc. and although I have had a full nights sleep still feel fatigued :( i pray this is able to be fixed.. so worried in case i'll never be able to stay awake again & will have to put up with this fatigue some days. It's scaring me so so much.. i hate it so much. Hoping so much its fixable and i'll be okay :( its so hard.. i dunno whats happening with me but i do feel there is an underlying cause now.. just needed someone to talk to bout this.. it's so hard feeling as I do when fatigued and experiencing fatigue with the phobia I have.. really hoping I'll be fine *sigh*

01-01-13, 15:21
I am sending you hugs:hugs:I cannot help you in anyway, but I know the feeling
of fatigue, it must have something to do with anxiety.I have no phobias,just anxious.
Hope 2013 treats you well xx

01-01-13, 15:36
I am sorry to hear you see struggling so much.
I do honestly believe that your anxiety is causing your exhaustion. Our brains are working on full terror power and hence it is making us very tired. All I can say is eat more often, rest in the day when you are tired, try and workout or go for walks, get fresh air and try yoga to calm you down. I am sure you will find when you are less anxious you will be less tired.
Hope you are feeling better.

01-01-13, 15:41
Thanks for replies.. I can't explain fatigue to anyone its overwhelming and started before my anxiety got worse again. I do believe there is another underlying issue here but thank you for replying.. hopefully things'll be okay.

01-01-13, 15:42
Dreams...I have been in a very similar situation as you for several months and have had lots of tests etc. This is not normal tiredness, it is, as you say, complete exhaustion. Like Magic, I do not have any specific health phobias.

My doctor is in the processs of ruling everything else out but has mentioned CFS/ME (chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy) it may be worth you keeping a note of how you are feeling, frequency, symptoms etc. and discussing this with your GP. Once I looked it up, it all seemed to make sense to me. Try this link for some information on the condition.....


I hope this is of some help but I would urge you to discuss your symptoms with your GP again for a professional diagnosis.

All the best to you, Kitti :)

01-01-13, 16:01
Thank you for the information, very interesting. i am trying to keep my eyes open as i type this.:hugs:

01-01-13, 18:43
Aww, no problem Magic, I hope it helps you. I thought it was just my anxiety/depression too but there is definitely a difference between normal tiredness/lack of motivation and CFS. Take care :hugs: xx

01-01-13, 19:21
I feel constantly tired too. I also find it hard to sit out in the sun for long (not that we get any!) I did notice on my meds that one of the side effects is sensitivity to the sun/bright lights. I just put the tiredness down to my age but my mam and dad are in their 80's and have more energy than me!! (I'm 54).