View Full Version : Strange Symptoms

01-01-13, 14:59
Over the last 6 months or so I've had pretty bad Health anxiety ( Both physical and mental health ) Obsessive thoughts, horrible DP/DR and mild social anxiety that at times can be debilitating, I still manage to get out, i'm holding a part time job, a college course, i'm in a band and I still manage to get out for an occasional drink ( last night was no exception )

I've noticed especially over the last month my mind just going blank, I seem to forget what I'm thinking and it just feels like I can't focus on any thoughts, or that I can't express what I'm thinking, this is especially bad in social situations as I don't feel I can hold down conversations with people I used to feel really comfortable around, It ends up being really awkward and I never know what to talk about, this has only been a problem over the last month as I can remember back to times where I felt totally functional in social situations, I don't want to avoid social situations because of this, I still love going out and just want to get back to the stage where I feel totally comfortable around people again, I worried about this "blank mind" being schizophrenia for a while, but again this is probably just more health anxiety, this doesn't feel like social anxiety as I'm not so much worrying about what people are thinking of me, or that i'll embarrass myself, more like that I don't feel I can't have a good time with this symptom, I'm just wondering if anyone's had this before, and if so does it pass?

02-01-13, 02:22
I have this all the time, I've always been like it. I never know what to say to people. I don't feel anxious, just a blank mind. It's got better as I've got older ( I'm 57 now ) and as I've worked on my anxiety and social life. I don't enjoy social situations, again, I don't feel anxious, I just prefer to interact with other people in different situations. My suggestion is that you try this - meet people in other situations and see how you get on when the pressure is off.