View Full Version : eyes again

01-01-13, 15:56
hi just after some advice I have been getting very anxious again lately with a few panic attacks I have been having a lot of eye issues and would like to no if anyone else has similar symptoms I seem to be focusing on my eyes at minute I keep getting bit of blurry vision, like my eyes don't want to focus tired eyes
floaters almost dizzy and feel a bit sick but that feels worse when I focus on my eyes it's like a panic feeling and I get a horrible feeling in my stomach,I am so scared I have something terrible wrong I can't even say it but convinced it's bad please help if you can thanks, toria xxx

01-01-13, 17:42
Hi toria, I can totally relate to how your feeling . What started my anxiety some 25 years ago , was seeing and having to help my nephew when he had his first
Fit ( caused by alcoholism withdrawal ) this left me traumatised , and then the panic attacks started . Before he went into the fit he said he could see colours , so I became obsessive about my vision , after a while my anxeity was under control ( without medication ) . I occasionally had a optic migraine which I didn't like but put up with . Then six years ago my wife developed Hodgkin s lymphoma , between being there for her at home , hospital appointments , chemo. And work I slipped back into full blown anxiety. Which I can't shake off.
But it's my vision taken center stage . You name it ... Blured vision , bright spots, after images, flashes of light, blue spots and stars, and of course the much feared optic migraines ,
I have my eyes tested regular and are fine . I'm told my symptoms are stress induced. Over Christmas my anxiety's been on top form and my vision symptoms back. So I've visited this site and read old posts which helped .
The trick to master is this , keep occupied, keep telling your self the symptoms are only anxiety and won't harm you and the symptoms fade.
I'll keep practicing , sorry for the long post .
Your not alone.

01-01-13, 20:20
hi ronno thanks for your reply I really appreciate it,you have had to deal with a lot and I can understand your fears,I have also had optic migraines I forgot to add sometimes my eyes also feel like they are staring a bit and I have to almost force myself to blink I again think I am making more of it cause I think I have had it before lot's and not worried about it and I think when my eyes are tired they do it more,just feel really panicked about it,thanks so much again your reply has really helped and your post wasn't long you have had a lot with your nephew and wife and I'm sorry,toria xx