View Full Version : Fear of loved ones dying

01-01-13, 17:32
Hey all,

I had a quick look round the forum n couldnt find any posts similar to that so i thought id put one on.

I have an overwhelmin phobia of someone i love dying. Its weird cus its not so much my family but its when i get in a relationship that it becomes a huge issue. I have lost every boyfriend to this and many friends and my current bf i can tell is gettin slowly more annoyed by it.

If he doesnt text me for like a few hours im freakin out, havin huge panic attacks. I am convinced all the time that somethin terrible has happened to him and its been like this for every relationship. Im not sure im makin any sense here.

I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks from the age of 11 im now 26. Ive had therapy n my therapist cant pinpoint where all this is coming from. Nuthin really bad has ever happened, ive never lost anyone close to me. So idont understand. But its ruling my life now, i dont go out n have lost a significant amount of weight n my self harm is gettin worse.

Just wondered if there is anyone out there sufferig the same?


01-01-13, 17:47
I can totally relate to you. With me, it's family. I'm always worried I'm going to wake up one morning and they're going to be deceased. Especially my Dad who has bad asthma, lung issues and a lot of other things.

You really need help since you mentioned that you self harm. I, nor no one else wants to see anything bad happen to you. It sounds like you're depressed? I started self harming and yes, it gets worse and then a while after I started having suicidal thoughts. So you NEED to get help with this.

Take care and Happy New Year! :hugs:

01-01-13, 17:57
Thanks for reply, nice to know someone knows how i feel.

Im not too worried about the self harm itself cus i know its just a symptom of an underlying cause. Ive tried for 15 years to deal with my anxiety issues, had CBT, psychotherapy n been on citalopram then prozac. Do you know anythin else i can try?
