View Full Version : I think I have chicken pox:-(

28-08-06, 10:13
Really frightened ive got chicken pox.

My children have all hda it over the last 3 weeks, my son started friday and is very poorly with it. I had cp when I was 5, had it pretty bad, mum said it wasn't mild at all.

I have been on a steroid spray for 3 weeks and it said on the leaflet to avoid contact with people with cp, drs told me it was fine to carry on taking as id had cp so I trusted them. Last few days I feel like im getting a cold but thought it was my sinuses playing up then today ive a spot on my hip, looks very much like a cp spot, not your everyday spot.

I am terrified im going to get it bad, get seriously ill and worst case die:-( I haven't read up on it but I do remember reading up on it a few yrs ago for my sister and I remember it sounded nasty in adults.

Feeling so scared:(

28-08-06, 10:38
Hi Jem

I had cp when I was 6 months pregnant and yes ok I wasn't very well with it , but within a week I was fine. If you have got it you will probably only get a mild dose as you haev had it before so listen chuck you WILL be ok I prmise you.

Take care

Elaine x

28-08-06, 10:48
Thanks Lainey,

Did you feel like you had a cold just before? I noticed 1 spot last night on my hip and its still there today. Did you have more than 1 spot?

Ive been really worried. Poor you being 6 mths pregnant with it!

Someone has it in for me up there I think;)

28-08-06, 11:07
You can only get chicken pox once, if you have already had it then you are immune for life.

The virus remains dormant in the body and can get reactivated which then causes shingles. It is not however triggered by coming into contact with someone with chicken pox.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

28-08-06, 13:04

Is the spot on your hip really sore or does it look like a blister? The reason I am asking is because you have already had chickenpox. Maybe visit the doctor to rule out shingles. My granddaughter just had shingles. They started along her lower back and went half way around her waistline. They usually follow a nerve. She had a blistery rash for a while, then the blisters crusted over and she got better fast. The sooner you start anti viral meds the quicker you get well. I think meds need to be started within 72 hours. I am not saying you have shingles, and it could just be a pimple, but for your peace of mind, check with the doctor. Shingles comes from the same herpes virus that causes chickenpox. The virus stays in us after we have chickenpox and can re activate and cause shingles.


28-08-06, 13:24
Thanks for that:-)

Its not sore at all no, so could it be shingles??? its just sitting on my hip sort of at the top of my bum, haha. Its a redy/orange colour, sort of raised and abit wrinkly, thats why I thought it was a blister starting

I am taking my son to the dr tomorrow, he is very ill with chicken pox.

Really hope I don't get shingles I always panic i will get something very serious from it, read far too much in the past.

28-08-06, 13:26
I was going to post that I've had chickenpox twice, although I guess the second time must have been shingles- although I actually found the two very alike. Some people say shingles are painful rather than itchy but I was covered in spots both times and both times I itched like mad!
Anyway, I've never heard of either being dangerous and I certainly have never heard of anyone dying as a result (not saying noone has but if it is possible, it must be extremely rare) And in any case if you've already had the virus, and you're still here, there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to get over it again...

That said, I hope you haven't got it as it sounds like you need all your strength!

Take care,

28-08-06, 14:18
Thanks Carly,

Taking my son the Dr tomorrow as he is very poorly with cp, she see wot my dr thinks about me. Would of thought my full blood count would of picked it up had i of been coming down with either of them but we shall see.