View Full Version : Varicose vein, clot or anxiety???

01-01-13, 23:17
Had been doing so well with my HA (had gone about 3 months which is an eternity for me) but just before Christmas it seemed to come back with a bang! I'm exhausted.

Would love your opinions on this please.
About 3 months ago, my inner lower thigh (just above the inside of my knee) started to be really itchy on and off.
Over the last fortnight, it has started to become a little painful (like a crampy or sometimes a shooting pain). It's only in one leg and there is no swelling, redness or heat. The pain can go into my calf or up the back of my thigh (not in my buttocks which is steering me away from sciatica) It's mainly just that spot on the inside of my leg though.

It seems to ease more when I walk than when I rest it which I can't understand! I do sit at the computer a lot during the day which won't help, but I can sometimes wake up with this pain after a full night's rest. It's NOT unbearable and can come and go (but it's there most of the time)

I am TERRIFIED it's a clot. I know there should be other symptoms but I Googled (I know I'm a fool!) and it says with some clots there is no redness, swelling etc. so I don't know what to think.

I am overweight (and a smoker :blush: ) which is making me more scared obviously. I have been to my doctors a lot over the last couple of years and I feel silly going again! My Mum has terrible varicose veins and I'm wondering if it's more likely to be the starting of one of those. The vein in that leg seems a little more bulgy (is that a word??) and blue but it's straight and I always thought varicose veins were squiggly things?! Also, can they itch and be painful?

Has anyone had a clot in or near their thigh? I know a lot of people seem to get them in their calves but I can't seem to find info on symptoms if it's higher up.

Apologies for the long post but can anyone help please? I don't know whether to leave it a while and see if it gets worse (or better) or what. I know Drs are incredibly busy (especially at this time of year!) and don't want to waste anyone's time.

This too shall pass
26-05-21, 14:12
Hi DBW626. I know your post was some time ago but I just wondered what happened?