View Full Version : Greetings

mr chromakey
01-01-13, 23:45
Hi all

I'm new. Thanks for having me. I came across this site because I've just been switched from Venlafaxine to Mirtazopine and am feeling awful, much like when I missed a dose of my meds, some might be familiar with brain zaps. The doctor looks at me funny when I mention the term, and also pulled me off the dosage really fast. I was 150mg p/day, cut down to 75 mg for 5 days then none for 5 days and straight onto 15mg mirtazopinoe for 2 days and then 30 mg...ouch...my 'new doctor' thought it was extreme and has said that venlor is harder to come off than heroine!!!! Would have been nice to know in advance. Everytime I moved my eyes I get these zaps in my head and they refer to my fingertips. I immediately stopped smoking when I discovered they are worse when smoking.
Has anyone here ever experienced this? I keep freaking that I'm going to have a fit, its so horrifying

01-01-13, 23:55
Hi mr chromakey

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-01-13, 07:38
You have done really well to taper off your medication so quickly, hopefully the brain zaps will calm down very soon. I get them occasionally, but try to ignore and carry on with what I am doing. I take Mirtazapine and it helps greatly with depression/anxiety, I hope it has the same effect on you.

02-01-13, 07:41
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


mr chromakey
02-01-13, 13:00
Hi guys, thank you for the welcome and encouragement, bobby dog it helps to know that somebody else is on the same meds and that they help - thanks again


02-01-13, 13:18
Hi Chromakey , I'm new here too , so here's wishing you a warm welcome and all the best for 2013 :welcome:

02-01-13, 13:48
Hi chromakey and welcome to the forum.

Hope Mirtazapine works for you, I've found it invaluable for insomnia at the lowest dosage (15mg).

mr chromakey
02-01-13, 15:53
Thanks mark, yes, I agree, was sleeping like a baby (for a change) but now that Ive gone up to 30 mg it seems to have stopped working so well in that department.

02-01-13, 15:58
Unfortunately the sedation side effect only works at 15mg, because it has an anti-histamine effect. At higher dosages the action of the drug changes slightly. I'm no expert but that's my understanding.

I tried 30mg for a while but like you, found my insomnia returned.

So I've gone onto a drug which is licensed specifically for GAD (pregabalin) but keeping the Mirt for sedation.