View Full Version : Stressfull Day Tomorrow.

02-01-13, 00:05
I have busy day tomorrow and have to meet a few people as i cannot lock myself up all the time worrying after a crap couple of weeks with GAD and depression. I just do not want another sleepless night even with medication and travelling looking bleary eyed and feeling like zombie. No CBT ,breathing exercise or music will help especially through the long night.I Know i have to be strong and diciplined but this condition saps your energy. I have some health worries aswell so i am pretty low again and angry with some family members who are avoiding me, this will be a long recovery this time.
I feel selfish going on as i know there are people with more pressing problems than me especially reading other post but thats what this condition does to you.
I shall see what happens and would be glad of any suggestions...

02-01-13, 00:33
I'm sorry you are not feeling well, a lot of us on here stress about whatever we are going to do tomorrow. (I have to head back to work after a wk. off, and I am dreading it) You are not selfish that what this site is all about, we all have our own issues, but it's a nice feeling knowing you don't have to feel like this alone. Here you are not alone. The family thing can be a really hard thing to deal with, cause it's family. I've got some family issues myself, and there not fun. I hope you feel better soon, and get the strength up to make it through your day tomorrow. Good luck! :)

02-01-13, 00:38
I agree with you 100%. Like Panickyme said, I have work after being off (yesterday I went in, but nobody was there) and it is making me quite anxious. Also I am alone and fiance is away so I don't have him to help me calm down.

But seriously do not feel selfish AT ALL. That is what this site is for. There is guaranteed to be people who are either going through the same thing or who have been there in the past who can help. I have found so much support while struggling a lot the past few weeks.

I wish I had advice, but I am currently feeling like you. I am also having family problems too. Even if I take my diazepam, I have trouble sleeping. I have a doctor's appointment Thursday morning to discuss it. Also seeing my therapist on Monday.

I truly know how you feel, when I try breathing techniques, meditations, etc and nothing helps when you really are in the thick of it. It is so frustrating and infuriating. All I can say is just try to accept that maybe you won't sleep but it won't kill you. You may be tired, but that's ok, it happens. Sometimes that helps me a little bit.

Please know we are here to support you and don't ever feel selfish for posting. :hugs: