View Full Version : hello!

02-01-13, 10:09
so, basically I've decided to try coming to a forum such as here to see if this helps with my anxiety. I suffer from OCD and health anxiety, and it's tearing my family apart.

I am always convincing myself that I have a terminal illness, and just typing it feels scary and I get all scared and panicky and withdrawn and mum doesn't understand and it upsets my little sister but I just can't help it.

I went to the doctors 3 times last week, and now she's phoned my mum and said that she wants to send be back to the clinic and now mum's like "jsbfsdb what is going on with you?!"

I just wanted to see if there was anyone on here who I could talk to who maybe understands where I'm coming from when I say that this anxiety is out of control. I can't sleep, I've lost my appetite and my tummy's gone weird and the doctor told me its IBS which can be brought on by stress and anxiety. But all these things make me think I have something WORSE and even though I think I know deep deep down that I'm ok, I'm always scared that I'm not.

so, yeah. That's me. :unsure:

02-01-13, 10:22
Hi anxiousamy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-01-13, 10:33
Hi amy

yes a lot of us on here are able to relate to your story! I too suffer from health anxiety (mine is about having a heart attack despite numerous reassurances from doctors my heart is fine) so i know what the feelings can be like. Ive spent months waking up convincing myself todays the day and feeling miserable and avoiding things I used to love doing like going to the gym.

Ive found its all about accepting the anxiety for exactly what it is, thoughts coming from your sub concious mind.

If you havent already look into cbt and possibly some medication if you think you need it and trust what the doctors are telling you.

Anxiety can mimic almost any symptom you can think of and does try and trick you into thinking you are ill. Its this fear that keeps feeding it and keeping the anxiety there.

Im now slowly winning my battle but its a long road.