View Full Version : Still anxious and not getting any better!!

02-01-13, 11:10
Happy New Year Everyone!!

Over the christmas period I have been feeling quite low!.The stress of christmas itself and being low on money also didnt help but i got on with it but my anxiety is still bad! Last night i couldnt sleep at all my whole body felt like it was vibrating and i had that butterfly feeling too. I didnt get to sleep till six. I thought after finding out my blood test were fine that all this would stop as before i was worrying about my health but it hasnt its just the same but the thing is im not panicking or thinking about it. It just comes on! There isnt one day i wake u[p feeling great everyday im anxious and i hate it! .. Waves all over, dizzyness, lightheaded, numbness everyday i just wish i could just get rid of it now its horrible! It even affects my head now and now im worried if there is something wrong in my head as i just dont feel right with it. The feeling is like i have had a few drinks and im tipsy does anyone else feel like that??

02-01-13, 11:32
Hi Kelly.

All the things your feeling are due to your anxious state, the more you analyse your body the more you will find to worry about. Its a vicious circle and the only way out of it is to try not to focus on your feelings. I know its easier said than done but honestly the more attention you give to your symptoms the worse they will feel, and the more anxious you will become. Hope you feel better soon x

02-01-13, 11:56
hi pann i am just like kelly ive had anxiety for over 6 yrs now andas soon as i wake in the mornimg im anxiouse and constantly worrieing how im feeling and analizeing every though and feeling i have its as if im scared to let these feeling and thoughts go and i havent a clue how to just let them go as no one has ever explained to me how or what to do to help me to just let the feelings oand thoughts g. as i had cbt therapy last year and even they didnt explain to me. can you be obsessed with ur anxiety or is it because i fear the fear anxiety as i just want to get better and have some kind of life which i havent got so any advice off any one would help

02-01-13, 12:13
Hi Kelly,

I experience similair feelings to those you describe. Unfortuantley if like myself and many others, you suffer from generalised anxiety your body will be used to this hightened state of aderline and the phsyical symptoms in which it creates. Sometimes you will feel anxious for no apparent reason, even if you are actually having a realitively good day or have had a great nights sleep. Your bodies nervous system and hormones will be constantly adjusting and if you have had any treatment such as CBT and you've noticed you are more present moment focused and handle situations more positively your body needs to catch up to how you feel mentally. Therefore from time to time you may feel anxious and there is no jusifiable reason as to why. Which is very frustrating as we all just want a quick fix and to feel great!

I have experienced this feeling for the past few weeks now and it is very stressful because like everyone I just want to be happy and have my body corresponding to the way I actually feel to the envirnoment and situations around me. However this will take time and the most approriate thing to do is to acknowlegde that you are feeling anxious and that your body is adjusting to it's new state. Remind yourself that this is just a physical feeling that will pass with time.

I usually tell myself depending on whether I feel anxious or have a negative thought the following:

"OK, so I am feeling / thinking this now but I am getting help and I will get better."
I then begin my present moment focusing.

You may have something similar that you say to yourself to acknowldge the feeling for what it actually is, a feeling and nothing more.

I use relaxation techniques and present moment focusing to distract myself from snow balling into negative thoughts and analyising why i feel anxious...(I also suffer from OCD so as well as the anxious feeling this can lead onto intrusive thoughts. So I try to acknowledge the feeling and then acknowledge the here and now on what I am actually doing.)

Do you allow yourself some time alone on a daily basis to relax?
I always thought that I was way too busy but now I have allocated time each day to listen to music and practice my present moment thinking techniques.

If you do not already use such techniques or have "you time" maybe you could have a search on NMP for some tips or I can share what i have learnt with you?

I hope you feel better soon :-)

02-01-13, 12:38
Hi Tricia.

I don't claim to be any kind of authority about anxiety and can only speak from my own experience.

I have suffered with anxiety for a while and have tried every potion, lotion and vitamin I've done exercise, meditation and counselling to just try and get rid of it. The problem is while we constantly fight to get better and check how we feel emotional, physically and mentally we will always find something we believe is seriously wrong with us and then we feed the anxiety, the adrenalin starts pumping around our system causing palpitation,s racing heart, body shakes and a vast variety of aches and pains.

I've found if I can just accept that its all part of anxiety then the symptoms lose some of the fear. I'm not saying its easy cause its not. It is so hard to convince yourself your not having a heart attack, got a brain tumor or going insane. Distraction from myself and my symptoms is the only thing I have found that helps, anything just to stop the inner self thoughts for a while and give my body and mind a break.

Try listening to this it might answer some questions and maybe help you relax a little.

Stay strong x