View Full Version : heart slightly large on the normal side

02-01-13, 11:53
Hi, just got back from the doctors. I have a chest infection but whilst I was in I asked about a chest x-ray I had on the 24th Dec.

And he said he had looked at it and all he could see is that my heart slightly large on the normal side.

What the hell does that mean w said nothing else just that.
I has to have the X-ray done because I'm having a heart echo done soon.

But does a heart slightly large on the normal side! Sound ok???

02-01-13, 12:12
I think one of the worst things doctors can do is just say things like this without a full explanation as it leaves room for seeds of doubt to grow. From now on I am going to refuse to leave until I get an explanation of what it means!

Look at it rationally though, if your doctor has any concerns there was a problem Im sure they would be doing something about it so i wouldnt worry. I guess they meant exactly how it sounds, your heart is slightly larger than the average person but still in the normal range. We all must have different sized hearts and there will be a range doctors consider normal. Its only when you go above this they will consider it an enlarged heart.

I think Doctors are so used to seeing patient after patient they forget at times we will go away and analyse the session in minute detail.

I know when Ive had lots of ECGs and blood tests, doctors have always said, yes they are normal and not a lot more. This always left room for doubt in my mind because of my HA. When I paid for a private session before christmas, I spent and hour and a half with the doctor going through all my results and it was brilliant. He talked me through everything, what every test is for, what it would show if there was something wrong etc.

Now im not for a second suggesting all doctors have the luxury of this time to consult patients because they are so overstretched and do work so hard but just a little explanation would go a long way to putting our minds at ease.

02-01-13, 12:15
I have found out the same recently so know exactly how u feel! My xrays from a few months ago all say normal heart yet the past 3 Ive had have all said 'slightly enlarged' or 'large heart on the upper limits of normal'. My gp wasnt that bothered,but i was!The only thing to have changed in my life in that timeframe was I started pregabalin,and then i read that in post research pregabalin has caused enlarged hearts and heart failure!! My gp wont take me off pregabalin,but im having an echo on tuesday anyway. So i know how u feel! The docs havent been that concerned,but i cant help but worry. x

02-01-13, 12:19
Not sure if you're a tall person but I've been told my lungs are 35% larger than normal, my heart 15% and my liver 20% but that it's because I'm a tall person. They only started looking when they needed to do two x rays just to fit all of my lungs on!

02-01-13, 13:35
Thanks! Like you say doctors only give you a minute or so tell you something and move you on even though it may not sound a big deal to them but for us poor anxiety people it could mean a lot.

Chl Hobbs . I have been on pregabalin for 12 months now. I wonder if that may have anything to do with it? As I have had chest X-rays done before one 12 months ago and another 24 months ago and nothing was said about a slightly large on the normal side then and that was pre pregabalin.

Anyway what a bloody stupid saying Slightly large on the normal size

02-01-13, 14:19
I hate when they do that! I was in for a check-up and the doctor off-handedly mentioned that I had a heart murmur and then just moved on like it was nothing. Well, I freaked! Turns out it really was nothing, but I felt like I had to pry information out of him.

02-01-13, 17:06
I'm no doctor but I am an engineer. As the heart is a pump I would say that larger is better.:)