View Full Version : any one had this happen to them

mrs way to worried
02-01-13, 12:00
so today was the day i was dreading going to see the doctors about this growing lump in my mouth i was so nurvous she listened to what i was saying and then did the dreaded check and here is a answer i was not expecting ,I CANT FEEL ANYTHING !!! so i felt it and it was there showed her again she checked again and nothing she said what she can feel is the opening to the salivary gland but no lump she said if it will make me feel better i can book an appointment for in 2 weeks and the day before i go play about with it and eat something so she can see if its swollen , i was so embarrased that she couldnt find anything

02-01-13, 12:36
I go to the Doctor's complaining of things that I think are wrong, and 95% of the time,(thank goodness) I am wrong. I don't think to much about it, I pay her, and that is her job, as a Doctor, to check and make sure everything is alright. Don't be embarrassed, be happy that there is nothing wrong. Hope you feel better. :)

02-01-13, 12:50
I've had that happen quite a few times, and been quite embarrassed! If there was something that wasn't supposed to be there, she would have felt it.