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02-01-13, 12:03
Hi all,
I usually turn to this forum for advice and tips...so i have a date tonight....the first one in years. I am quietly telling myself i am not nervous, but i know i will be later, and anxiety will no doubt kick me in the teeth later. i usually can't speak, so im thinking a couple of wines will be in order...
any tips/support/advice will be greatfully received!!

02-01-13, 12:29
Awwwww, have fun!!!!!!! Try not to let anxiety get in the way, everyone gets a little nervous going on a date. You are going to have such a good time, there will be no time for that anxiety to kick in. Hope you have a great time tonight!!!!! :)

02-01-13, 13:16
aww congrats I hope you have a lovely time. I guess it's just the same as any other type of anxiety/panic coping strategies. Just distract yourself and know that it will pass.
Hopefully if you're having a good time your date will effectively distract you :)
have fun!

02-01-13, 13:45
Congrats!! Just remember, your date will also be nervous, so you can be nervous together :) Just go for it hun, try not to let the anx hold you back on this!

02-01-13, 15:18
Sarah, go for it :hugs:

Good luck, x

02-01-13, 15:22
Thanks everyone, there is something about meeting someone and sitting there trying to make conversation that i find so hard. A group of people is fine, but 1-1..harder. Hopefully we will stay in a local pub where i can feel relaxed.

I will try and report back soon :)

02-01-13, 16:27
Good luck - dates are always a bit nerve wrecking! Remember that you're date is more than likely to be nervous too :) Make sure you stick somewhere you are comfortable with as that will help the anxiety. Just be yourself :) xox

02-01-13, 16:35
just reiterating the post above, you will both be nervous. i dont find alcohol works cos i tend to jabber rubbish. be youself and have fun. good luck

02-01-13, 18:07
Good luck with your date! Going on a date is always nerve-wracking and chances are your date will be just as nervous as you are. Just be yourself. :)

03-01-13, 22:47
Thanks for all messages..it went well...not romance of the year but im so plwased anxiety didnt rear its ugly head!proved i can do something x:D

03-01-13, 23:44
Congrats Sarah! :) You can do anything you ever want to, you can beat the big bad anxiety monster. Good to hear it went alright :D