View Full Version : Anxiety affecting eating

02-01-13, 12:49
Recently my anxiety has been really high, each day I wake up with sweaty palms, nervous feeling and headaches. I've noticed that I don't have the energy to eat sometimes, which I know is making me worse but I just feel so fatigued all the time and the thought of eating makes me feel sick. Does anyone else get this? X

02-01-13, 12:57
Feeling sick with anxiety is the worst symptom for me. I just try to eat little healthy snacks often as I could not face a full meal.

02-01-13, 13:12
Hi Izzie.

I have this symptom most every day. Food doesn't even seem important, I never feel hungry and the thought of eating makes me feel physically sick. I know I have to eat but whenever I do I get the shakes.
As Annie said the best way is small healthy snacks throughout the day. I find it easier to snack if I'm doing something else, reading or watching tv, that way I'm not fully focused on the food and usually manage to get something in.
Eating usually helps with some other symptoms like fatigue dizziness and nausea, and try to keep a good fluid intake.

02-01-13, 13:25
Thank you both for your replies, I used to love food but since having anxiety it seems like a chore! Yes going to keep having cups of water and have some soup for lunch xx