View Full Version : Help :(

02-01-13, 15:15
HI iv got postnatal depression and find it hard to cope with my little girl when she crys. Iv been to my mams this morning and had an argument with my sister she told me that I need to see someone coz I can't cope, she nos I have pnd and the other week she called me a psyco iv had enough now and I got really upset left my mams come home and self harmed AGAIN but this time with a knife I really wanted to cut my wrist but could hear my little girl talking away to herself.
I had a break down and the only thing that calmed me down was cutting myself.

Anybody else suffering like this and if you are how do you cope. X

02-01-13, 16:26
Sorry you are feeling so bad. I'm a bloke and have never self harmed, so I could never know how you feel. I did raise my daughter when my exwife went back to work, so I know how hard that can be. I hope you can get the help and support you need, have you seen your GP? there are all sorts of help available. Hope you feel better soon.

02-01-13, 16:36
You really need to go to see your GP and tell him exactly how you are feeling. You need more help. Are you on any medication or getting counselling? Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-01-13, 16:44
Iv saw my doctor think I'm getting all the help I can get :( x

02-01-13, 16:49
Kimberley, it sounds like your family don't really understand what you're going through. PND and anxiety are so common and you're not alone - you just need some better support. My boyfriend has bipolar and I've called him a psycho in the past when we've had arguments. Now I've been through my own mental health problems I feel really ashamed of myself and my ignorance.

I don't have children but I think you're very brave - I have trouble coping with the dog on a bad day! Things will get better, just make sure you're going to see your doc and getting help. xxx

02-01-13, 16:55
Kimberley, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way and not getting the support you need from your family. Well done for going to your doctor and getting all the help you can.

Is your mum helpful? Can she maybe come to visit you and Baby without your sister?

02-01-13, 16:59
My mam was there when I had the argument with my sister and she didn't say anything and when I was crying she didn't do anything she stayed with my sister to help her, when its me she was horrible to. Just feels like I have no one while my bf is at work. X

02-01-13, 18:04
I'm so sorry you're suffering like this. :hugs:

What support exactly are you receiving from your doctor? If medication, which one(s) and what dosage? Are you getting any form of counselling or CBT? You could ask your doctor to make sure you're receiving all the help that's available.

I've never had children so I don't know how to help with post-natal depression specifically, but there are probably people in the chatroom you can speak to if you need help urgently.

I really hope you're feeling better soon. Sending hugs. :hugs:

02-01-13, 18:08
Kimberley, is your Heath Visitor supporting you? I hope that you can get more help and support with this. :hugs::hugs:

02-01-13, 19:12
Kimberly bless you, horrid comments from your sister, simply diabolical!
Obviously they really don't understand the severity of PND etc. You'd expect your mum to know how hard it is, having a baby & it's not that easy after the birth of a child for so many reasons!
Do not hurt yourself like this, think of your little girl not others that cause you to feel soo bad. I think, if they are not having a positive or at least, a decent amount positive impact on your life or Cant be civil, then I'd personally distance myself - family or not! You don't need to keep letting them at this moment in time, make u feel so bad that you self harm with a small child around you! I'm not saying cut them off but, distance yourself maybe a good option! In the mean time getting your health visitor see you more is also a good step.

Take good care of yourself :hugs: