View Full Version : email/ messanger/ real friends

02-01-13, 16:18
I'm a 50 year young bloke with gad which I've had for about 15 years. Divorced with one 20yr old daughter who has just gone to uni. I would like to write/ talk to anyone with similar probs.

06-02-13, 18:41
I'm a survivor of depression and anxiety and have been symptom free for a good few years. I'm currently going through a divorce and the stress has triggered a bad bout of depression and anxiety.
I live in South Africa on the coast and my family are all in the UK.
I also have a 20 year old daughter at Uni - and I have a son of 24 who lives in Botswana which is about 1400 kms from here.
I would love to correspond with you. I have a wealth of experience and knowledge about depression and anxiety having read up and tried as many techniques as I could get my hands on through the past 20 years.
If you want to chat or let off steam I would enjoy having a friend to talk to.