View Full Version : A winter battle

02-01-13, 20:49
I'm feeling horrible. I started new security job on 27 Nov and do lots of out door patrolling and searching staff at this delivery depot. I can't stand the cold it makes me feel ill , it's triggering panic , I hate searching people as I worry what they think of me , I've never been confident in social situations so when I have 20 staff lined up waiting for their daily body scan I feel I'm going to pass out.
However I seem to get it done.
The symptoms I have are the worst ever ( well it seems like that now)
I am convinced I have MS , constant nerve like sensations , weakness, painful muscles , pains in tummy which move around , groin pain driving me nuts then there's the front of thigh pain shooting to my toes sometimes.
I'm not sleeping well when I'm nightshift ( 3 days , 3 nights , 3 off)
Am I heading for burnout. I'm at my wits end here but financially struggling so need the wage.

Any advice please.

Happy new year all

02-01-13, 21:12
dont worry about ms, you havnt got it otherwise you wouldnt feel anything, just weakness. working night buggers your body clock up so im not surprised u feel like sh^t. when i have to do nights i take nytol 12 hours before my shift starts, put ear plugs in, wear a bdsm blindfold(dont ask!!) and get as much uninterupted sleep in the day as i can. days off are just a longer sleep between shift. brings the dolllar tho. The cold is another problem, i work on the frozen dept of a supermarket and wear thermal everything.

Good luck fella

03-01-13, 04:46
When I go to bed after night shift I fall asleep no probs but wake up after 3 hours feeling as if I'm wired up to the electricity supply and my body is so tense and tight , it's as if I'm panicking as I sleep , I wake up shaking and full of fear and now I have ( after being well for many years) became fearful of this fear and the dreaded vicious cycle has taken hold.damn it I thought I'd beaten this a while back. I'm too old for this crap now , why/ how did it take hold like this again.